Sunday, August 13, 2006
Iyanla Returns! A Message, Are You Listening?
Life will accommodate you in any way that you choose. Life is always listening to the silent requests of your heart and mind. Life is always surveying the landscape of your heart, gathering the bits and pieces of the emotions buried there. Life is always monitoring the activity of your tongue, checking for ruins and sacred elements. Life knows that your mind, heart and mouth will produce the requests of your consciousness even when you were not aware of it.
Life can be an open book through which you can learn about great mysteries and wonders. Or life can be a mysterious and fightening pit through which you can fear to tread. Or life can be an open basket into which you can place your treasures, in which you can carry out abundant blessings. Or life can be a locked trunk from which you can retrieve or receive nothing. Life can be a journey or a struggle. A paradise or a prison. A calm sea or a turbulent ocean. It's all up to you. Life will accomodate whatever you choose, exactly the way you choose. And, whether you believe it or not, what you have in your life right now is a fucntion of your own requests! Some of those requests you made openly. Others you made silently. Doesn't matter! Life is very accomodating, and the minute your requests change, your life will follow suit.
Until today, you may not have realized that life is answering your requests. You may not have believed that you have the power and the right to ask life for more than you already have right now. Just for today, be devoted to creating a list of positive, joyful requests. Create them first in your mind. Next, create them in your heart. Then speak them into existence. Be sure to remember what you have created. If it does not show up, check your counterrequests.
Today I am devoted to creating and requesting what I truly desire to experience in life.
Iyanla Vanzant
Until Today
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
HELLO FRIENDS: I AM GOING TO SHARE WITH YOU THIS WEEK A FEW OF IYANLA'S LESSONS FROM HER "Faith In the Valley" book which was published by Simon and Schuster. This book was dedicated in memory of the Great, Grand Diva Miss Phyllis Hyman and Her Sisters Butterfly McQueen, Rosalind Cash, Roxie Roker, Madge Sinclair and her Sister-Friend Dorothea Lois Dowell.
there is a lily in the valley
1. Why me?
Bad things are going to happen. Painful, ugly, frustrating events are going to take place. There is no way around getting your feelings hurt, having your ego bruised, your trust weighed, your heart broken. Life has its ups and downs. If you are living, you are bound to trip and fall every now and then. There is not much you can do while you are going through your challenges and difficulties, but there is something you can remember that will make it a bit easier to bear.
The same God that was good to you yesterday is good today. The same God that loved you last week , loves you today. The same powerful, almighty, all-knowing God that saved you, comforted you, guided you the last time you needed it, will save, comfort, and guide you today. Right where you are, in the midst of trouble, take a moment to be loved, comforted, guided, by the good God who knows exactly what you need. God is present. God's presence is called GRACE.
2. I Don't want to go through this anymore!
The rent is due and you have no cash on hand. You are hopelessly, desperately, foolishly in love, and he doesn't know your name. You have lost some important papers at work, and your supervisor is asking for them. You cleverly embellished your expenses for the year, and the IRS is auditing you. You squeezed that new pair of shoes onto your charge account, and now the bill is due, along with the rent. What do you do? NOTHING!
No matter what is going on in your life, the planets are still moving around the sun. Seeds are turning into flowers. Embryos are turning into babies. The moon is becoming full. The sun is rising. Things are going to happen, and you have a choice: you can be a witness or a participant. A witness observes and learns. A participant creates drama and stress.
No matter what it looks like, the truth is simple: there is something you are learning or unlearning. There is some part of you that must be refined. Not fixed! Not changed! BUT FINE-TUNED IN ORDER TO OPERATE AT A HIGHER LEVEL OF EFFICIENCY. You may not like what is going on, but you will live through it, if you give up the need to fix it. Surrender control with a deep breath. Forgive yourself for any poor choices. Make a commitment to work on your weak areas. Trust yourself that you will know exactly what to do when the time comes to do it. In the meantime, go pick a flower, hug a baby, or salute the sun.
3. Great googa mooga! What happened to ya!!
Are you living your life or are you living your mother's life? Perhaps you are living the life that your father told you to live. Maybe your life was custom-built for you by your husband, your sister, or the "system." Does your life suit your needs? Is it too big for you? Is it too small for you? Is your life satisfactory? Do you live in your life or around it? Do you dare do what you want to do. or are you consumed doing what you are told you have to do?
It is very easy to get stuck living your life for others, doing what they want you to do in order for them to get what they need. There is a very delicate balance between my life, our lives, and your life. When you are not clear about what you are, what you need, and what you want, the balance can be tipped against your favor. If you need to reclaim your life and live it, be sure to do it! You can accomplish this by taking time for yourself to take care of yourself. You must also be sure to let people know what you need, and to be willing to say no to what they need without feeling guilty about it.
4. What are you waiting for?!!
Can we just be blessed right now? Can we find something, some one thing to be happy about, satisfied with, excited over? It won't cost us anything to smile and pat ourselves on the back for what we have already done and overcome. If we really understood that right where we are is exactly where we need be, we would find the joy we convince ourselves we are missing.
Life is so much smarter than we are, it never moves too quickly, nor does it skip steps. Life always shows up on time and in time to bless, teach, reward, heal, protect or guide us. Life always knows exactly what we need, what we are ready for, and when we are prepared to receive it. We are usually so busy looking behind or ahead, we miss the flow of life passing right before our eyes. Fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame fog our vision and cause us to miss the point, the lesson, and the blessings that are present right now. Let us remember that right now is a blessing. When we understand that, we stop second-guessing life.
red rose, crimson beauty
****i am scheduling the times that i am working on my poetry. the publisher sent me an email last night inquiring about my continuing interests. i was very happy to hear from them. however, i see other opportunites that i have in the event that the publisher does not work out for me. i was just beginning to get SERIOUS when that email came through.
all i want to do is to have a book of 80-100 poems in that first collection. i want to do well in having enough copies for everyone in this town and beyond. persons here and there are inquiring about my book. it is going to become a reality for this is the year. 2006 will not leave here until i have that book published in whatever form. hasta luego amigos...
there is a lily in the valley
1. Why me?
Bad things are going to happen. Painful, ugly, frustrating events are going to take place. There is no way around getting your feelings hurt, having your ego bruised, your trust weighed, your heart broken. Life has its ups and downs. If you are living, you are bound to trip and fall every now and then. There is not much you can do while you are going through your challenges and difficulties, but there is something you can remember that will make it a bit easier to bear.
The same God that was good to you yesterday is good today. The same God that loved you last week , loves you today. The same powerful, almighty, all-knowing God that saved you, comforted you, guided you the last time you needed it, will save, comfort, and guide you today. Right where you are, in the midst of trouble, take a moment to be loved, comforted, guided, by the good God who knows exactly what you need. God is present. God's presence is called GRACE.
2. I Don't want to go through this anymore!
The rent is due and you have no cash on hand. You are hopelessly, desperately, foolishly in love, and he doesn't know your name. You have lost some important papers at work, and your supervisor is asking for them. You cleverly embellished your expenses for the year, and the IRS is auditing you. You squeezed that new pair of shoes onto your charge account, and now the bill is due, along with the rent. What do you do? NOTHING!
No matter what is going on in your life, the planets are still moving around the sun. Seeds are turning into flowers. Embryos are turning into babies. The moon is becoming full. The sun is rising. Things are going to happen, and you have a choice: you can be a witness or a participant. A witness observes and learns. A participant creates drama and stress.
No matter what it looks like, the truth is simple: there is something you are learning or unlearning. There is some part of you that must be refined. Not fixed! Not changed! BUT FINE-TUNED IN ORDER TO OPERATE AT A HIGHER LEVEL OF EFFICIENCY. You may not like what is going on, but you will live through it, if you give up the need to fix it. Surrender control with a deep breath. Forgive yourself for any poor choices. Make a commitment to work on your weak areas. Trust yourself that you will know exactly what to do when the time comes to do it. In the meantime, go pick a flower, hug a baby, or salute the sun.
3. Great googa mooga! What happened to ya!!
Are you living your life or are you living your mother's life? Perhaps you are living the life that your father told you to live. Maybe your life was custom-built for you by your husband, your sister, or the "system." Does your life suit your needs? Is it too big for you? Is it too small for you? Is your life satisfactory? Do you live in your life or around it? Do you dare do what you want to do. or are you consumed doing what you are told you have to do?
It is very easy to get stuck living your life for others, doing what they want you to do in order for them to get what they need. There is a very delicate balance between my life, our lives, and your life. When you are not clear about what you are, what you need, and what you want, the balance can be tipped against your favor. If you need to reclaim your life and live it, be sure to do it! You can accomplish this by taking time for yourself to take care of yourself. You must also be sure to let people know what you need, and to be willing to say no to what they need without feeling guilty about it.
4. What are you waiting for?!!
Can we just be blessed right now? Can we find something, some one thing to be happy about, satisfied with, excited over? It won't cost us anything to smile and pat ourselves on the back for what we have already done and overcome. If we really understood that right where we are is exactly where we need be, we would find the joy we convince ourselves we are missing.
Life is so much smarter than we are, it never moves too quickly, nor does it skip steps. Life always shows up on time and in time to bless, teach, reward, heal, protect or guide us. Life always knows exactly what we need, what we are ready for, and when we are prepared to receive it. We are usually so busy looking behind or ahead, we miss the flow of life passing right before our eyes. Fear, anxiety, guilt, and shame fog our vision and cause us to miss the point, the lesson, and the blessings that are present right now. Let us remember that right now is a blessing. When we understand that, we stop second-guessing life.
red rose, crimson beauty
****i am scheduling the times that i am working on my poetry. the publisher sent me an email last night inquiring about my continuing interests. i was very happy to hear from them. however, i see other opportunites that i have in the event that the publisher does not work out for me. i was just beginning to get SERIOUS when that email came through.
all i want to do is to have a book of 80-100 poems in that first collection. i want to do well in having enough copies for everyone in this town and beyond. persons here and there are inquiring about my book. it is going to become a reality for this is the year. 2006 will not leave here until i have that book published in whatever form. hasta luego amigos...
Monday, July 03, 2006
Ernie Barnes-from Pads to Pallette-His Autobiography
alrighty now...the perfectionist at work. here is the autobiography... It chronicles his childhood in segregated Durham NC through his successful pro football career, to his debut solo exhibition at a prestigious gallery in NYC. please go to for more information. He is quite impressive. Now speaking of being impressive, let me take a break, return and impress myself with my future book.
Ernie Barnes-Legendary Artist/Painter(Conclusion)
hi there...we are at the conclusion of his wonderful works. i am going to try and tune in to listen to him i need to find out the station and how i can listen in by way of the internet. ok, here goes it!
there he is, in living color, none other than the legendary Ernie Barnes. the look of contentment of an artist's face. look at that smile! let's look at his concluding art......
1. Singing Sistahs
2. The Big Lineman
3. Tete a Tete
4. Soft Power
5. Sam and Sydney
Ernie Barnes has an autobiography and it is enti tled from Pads to Palette. His life from being on the football field to being an artist. I will highlight that book on a separate post for it is important for you to see and it will not fit here.
mizz diamond
Ernie Barnes-Legendary Artist/Painter (Part 2)
Ernie Barnes-Legendary Artist/Painter
This week on (Greatness by Design) with Blanche Williams, Ernie Barnes, the legendary painter will be on her talk show on July 4th. See her newsletter this week for times and stations. In the meantime, I am just amazed at his art and I will not do another blog for Black Art. I simply don't have the time. I am still working on my first book, at my pace. I wanted to do this segment on him though for his art is beau-ti-full!
Ernie Barnes was born on July 15, 1938 in Durham NC. He had a normal childhood and he went off to college playing football. That was his life until one day this is what he noticed:
"One day on the playing field, I looked up and the sun was breaking through the clouds, hitting the unmuddled areas on the uniforms, and I said, 'That's beautiful!'. I then knew that it was all over being a player. I was more interested in art. So I traded my cleats for canvas, my bruises for brushes, and put all the violence and power I had felt on the field into my paintings."
Let me put some of his work here. Some of his work will have sports scenes in them for that was his past. It seems that there is a restriction of pictures that will go on one post.
1. The Homecoming
2. Sugar Shack
3. The Anniversary
4. A Life Restored
5. In Remebrance
Those five are above. All of his art tells a story and leaves more to be desired. go to please for his wonderful site. You will be impressed at the biograpy.
mizz diamond
Friday, June 23, 2006
You Find What You Look For! OPTIMISM
He who earnestly seeks good find favor, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil. Proverbs 11:27
Life has its ups and downs. We love the up times, but oh, how we hate the down times. After many disappointments and difficult times, it's sometimes hard to believe for the best. We become cynical and jaded, ashamed to be vulnerable and childlike, afraid that our hopes and dreams are foolish in the "real world" that often seems to reward cold calculation. Yet when we close our hearts to optimism and faith, we close the door on making our dreams come true in this world. By choosing an optimistic attitude, however, we open ourselves to the possibility that God can turn our negative situations into something positive.
You can choose to be optimistic. Optimism is a learned attitude of faith. Faith is a choice, not an argument. It is an inner conviction, an unshakable assurance. You make a decision to choose optimism, choosing to believe that God will truly work all things together for good.
Focusing on the negatives in any situation is counterproductive. You concentrate on what's wrong and soon that's the only thing you can see. Here are some of the negative thoughts that hold us back: I can't, I won't, That's a problem, It's not fair, It won't work, Stupid, Imposssible, Hopeless, It's too hard, I'm not good enough, What a drag, and We never did it that way before.
Positive thoughts help us to make positive choices. Choose to replace negative patterns with positive, empowering thoughts like these: I can, It's possible, I'll give it a try, Lets go, Yes, I will, It will work, I am able to do this and It will be fun. (i am adding this one: yes, i can write, publish and promote my book and have fun doing it, and yes, it is going to get done.) and so will you!
Learn to look for the silver lining in the dark clouds of your life. Expect God to bring you good or to bring good out of a bad situation. (ok, Diamond, did you read that? then apply it baby girl! Focus on the positives. See the glass as half-full instead of half-empty. Wash the windows of your soul by asking God to cleanse your thoughts every day, replacing negative defeatest thoughts with positive affirmations of faith and hope.
The book of Hebrews talks about running the race, leaving those things behind that would encumber you and drag you down. Let go of those negative thoughts, and train yourself to foocus on a positive outcome instead of looking for potential disaster. Learn to see that every stumbling block can be a stepping stone. You will find what you look for, see what you want to see. If you want to reach the goal of a life well lived, learn to look with optimism and faith.
Have faith in God.
Expect God to bring good even in negative situations. (okaayyyy)
See every stumbling block as a stepping stone. (allrriggghhttt)
Be optimistic about outcomes.
Choose a positive attitude.
Focus on the positive instead of the negative.
Be open to new possibilities.
Things to Do
1. In your journal write about an unexpected blessing that came at a difficult time in your life.
2. For just one day, replace every negative word or comment with a positive word or comment.
3. Make a personal affirmation from a Bible verse (perhaps Psalm 118:24) and say it first thing in the morning every week for the next week.
4. Develop a friendship with someone new.
5. Write your worries in the sand at the beach.
6. Plant a flower or vegetable garden.
7. List ten "impossible" things you would like to do or try. Do one.
Things to Remember
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. Hebrews 10:35
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. Matthew 6:22
Two Quotes
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. helen keller
As you travel through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye in the doughnut and not upon the hole. author unknown
have a great week!
Life has its ups and downs. We love the up times, but oh, how we hate the down times. After many disappointments and difficult times, it's sometimes hard to believe for the best. We become cynical and jaded, ashamed to be vulnerable and childlike, afraid that our hopes and dreams are foolish in the "real world" that often seems to reward cold calculation. Yet when we close our hearts to optimism and faith, we close the door on making our dreams come true in this world. By choosing an optimistic attitude, however, we open ourselves to the possibility that God can turn our negative situations into something positive.
You can choose to be optimistic. Optimism is a learned attitude of faith. Faith is a choice, not an argument. It is an inner conviction, an unshakable assurance. You make a decision to choose optimism, choosing to believe that God will truly work all things together for good.
Focusing on the negatives in any situation is counterproductive. You concentrate on what's wrong and soon that's the only thing you can see. Here are some of the negative thoughts that hold us back: I can't, I won't, That's a problem, It's not fair, It won't work, Stupid, Imposssible, Hopeless, It's too hard, I'm not good enough, What a drag, and We never did it that way before.
Positive thoughts help us to make positive choices. Choose to replace negative patterns with positive, empowering thoughts like these: I can, It's possible, I'll give it a try, Lets go, Yes, I will, It will work, I am able to do this and It will be fun. (i am adding this one: yes, i can write, publish and promote my book and have fun doing it, and yes, it is going to get done.) and so will you!
Learn to look for the silver lining in the dark clouds of your life. Expect God to bring you good or to bring good out of a bad situation. (ok, Diamond, did you read that? then apply it baby girl! Focus on the positives. See the glass as half-full instead of half-empty. Wash the windows of your soul by asking God to cleanse your thoughts every day, replacing negative defeatest thoughts with positive affirmations of faith and hope.
The book of Hebrews talks about running the race, leaving those things behind that would encumber you and drag you down. Let go of those negative thoughts, and train yourself to foocus on a positive outcome instead of looking for potential disaster. Learn to see that every stumbling block can be a stepping stone. You will find what you look for, see what you want to see. If you want to reach the goal of a life well lived, learn to look with optimism and faith.
Have faith in God.
Expect God to bring good even in negative situations. (okaayyyy)
See every stumbling block as a stepping stone. (allrriggghhttt)
Be optimistic about outcomes.
Choose a positive attitude.
Focus on the positive instead of the negative.
Be open to new possibilities.
Things to Do
1. In your journal write about an unexpected blessing that came at a difficult time in your life.
2. For just one day, replace every negative word or comment with a positive word or comment.
3. Make a personal affirmation from a Bible verse (perhaps Psalm 118:24) and say it first thing in the morning every week for the next week.
4. Develop a friendship with someone new.
5. Write your worries in the sand at the beach.
6. Plant a flower or vegetable garden.
7. List ten "impossible" things you would like to do or try. Do one.
Things to Remember
Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. Hebrews 10:35
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. Matthew 6:22
Two Quotes
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. helen keller
As you travel through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye in the doughnut and not upon the hole. author unknown
have a great week!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I do recall a friend of mine going to a show-an art show of Charles Bibbs. Mind you, I have never heard of Charles Bibbs. However, knowing this particular friend and her taste, he had to be some wonderful kind of artist, for she seems to know only the best. I was curious about Charles Bibbs, so I did my little research. I am interested in learning about more African American artists that I did not learn about in my class. I wanted to see his art on the web and I wanted to know his background. Here we go:
Charles Bibbs' artwork fuses African, African American and Native American cultural themes, to make powerful cross cultural statements. His renderings convey a deep sense of spirituality, majestu, dignity, strength and grace. Bibbs has always believed that "We are the keepers of our culture", and as such, has spent much of his time working towards developing a cohesive, energized African American community. Born in Harbor City, California Charles first expressed himself artistically in elementary school. He credits his parents with recognizing and encouraging him to develop his talents. He is also an entrepreneur and philanthropist who resides in Southern California. His work is thought provoking and capable of arousing strong emotions regardless of ethnic, gender and generational affiliation. Although he may have an idea or vision in mind when painting a particular piece, Charles prefers each individual who views his work to gain a personal vision from his artwork. It is sufficient to say however his works are viewed, whatever individual emotions they may evoke, they remain characteristically and recognizably Bibbs. His works have been collected and displayed in museums and private collecions around the world.
What insight I have learned about this wonderful artist! I hope one day to own one or two of his works...but ONLY, yes ONLY after my poetic collection is published and I am making the DOUGH! I just luv, his works, I mean I absolutely luv his works!!!!
Now, here is to the art of it!
Friends, bear with me, it may be two to three posts! I should have downloaded the pics first!
please go to the following blog for pics, please!
Charles Bibbs' artwork fuses African, African American and Native American cultural themes, to make powerful cross cultural statements. His renderings convey a deep sense of spirituality, majestu, dignity, strength and grace. Bibbs has always believed that "We are the keepers of our culture", and as such, has spent much of his time working towards developing a cohesive, energized African American community. Born in Harbor City, California Charles first expressed himself artistically in elementary school. He credits his parents with recognizing and encouraging him to develop his talents. He is also an entrepreneur and philanthropist who resides in Southern California. His work is thought provoking and capable of arousing strong emotions regardless of ethnic, gender and generational affiliation. Although he may have an idea or vision in mind when painting a particular piece, Charles prefers each individual who views his work to gain a personal vision from his artwork. It is sufficient to say however his works are viewed, whatever individual emotions they may evoke, they remain characteristically and recognizably Bibbs. His works have been collected and displayed in museums and private collecions around the world.
What insight I have learned about this wonderful artist! I hope one day to own one or two of his works...but ONLY, yes ONLY after my poetic collection is published and I am making the DOUGH! I just luv, his works, I mean I absolutely luv his works!!!!
Now, here is to the art of it!
Friends, bear with me, it may be two to three posts! I should have downloaded the pics first!
please go to the following blog for pics, please!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Troubles come in all shapes and sizes. Trouble can be as small as a run in your stocking or as big as an emergency trip to the hospital. The same flat tire that made you a few minutes late for the grand opening sale at the department store could also be the few minutes that kept you from harm on the highway. When troubles come, you have a choice-to let troubles destroy you or transform you. A diamond is just a piece of coal that has undergone pressure. When you are handed a lump of coal in the form of trouble, it's an opportunity to see how God can transform it into spiritual treasure. Ugly things can become jewels relecting the light of God; if you are willing to go into the darkness with Him and find the hidden treasure.
First, acknowledge that the trouble is real and needs to be faced. You can't ask God for help if you keep denying you have a problem. Admit that you are hurt or disappointed or angry. God can take it. He is not afraid of your honest questions, and He doesn't expect you to gloss over the problem in the name of being spiritual. Read the book of Psalms and you will see that anger and sorrow are expressed as well as praise and thankfulness. If you can be real with God, then He can really help you.
Next, assess the situation. Ask God for wisdom and guidance. Take responsibility for what you can do in the situation. Do you need to admit a fault or ask someone for forgiveness? Do you need to make a wrong right? Is there a positive action you can take to ease the situation, relieve the trouble, or make things better? Avoid complaining. Instead, do what is in your power to do.
Perhaps there is nothing you can do right now to make things better. You may need to wait for the right timing. Or maybe something else must happen first or someone else needs to do his or her part. Sometimes a broken thing is broken and can't be fixed. Acknowledge what is out of your hands and put it into God's hands.
In the darkness, out of sight, God will use the pressures and problems to create the lovely jewel of a quiet spirit, a strengthened character, and a wiser heart. One day you will see-whether in this life or in the shining, glorious crown of glory you will behold in the next life. There are treasures to be discovered in the darkness, and troubles can be transformed into glorious victories if you can walk through them trusting God.
GO ALONE IN THE LIGHT. mary gardiner brainard
checklist for life for women...timeless wisdom and foolproof strategies.
thomas nelson publishers.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
De-Stressing! Suggestions (Part 4)
How are you feeling today? Do you feel stressed or anxious? Tense, down in the dumps, feeling like you have no hope temporarily? Well I hope you do feel better. However, before you go on with the rest of your day, read the following suggestions here in part 4 of the series of de-stressing.
1. Put together a jigsaw puzzle. The best way to get rid of the problems that are causing you stress is to concentrate on another problem. A jigsaw puzzle is a "good problem" because it causes you to think about the puzzle and forget about your cares and woes.
2. Phone an old friend or a relative you have not spoken to in awhile. There is something magical about rekindling old relationships with friends and relatives. Pick up the telephone and reach out to someone special the next time you are feeling stressed out.
3. Clean out that junk drawer, or if you have enough time, clean out a drawer and a closet. By focusing your energy and efforts on ridding the drawer or closet of excess junk, your stress level will go down.
4. Seize the day. Don't let stress control your day; take command. Stop worrying about past mistakes or problems that are getting you down. Remember, most people overemphasize the past and overestimate the future.
5. Enjoy a cup of tea. (i have a friend in virginia who drinks mango tea curled up on a couch perhaps with a good book) Boil some hot water and make yourself a relaxing cup of tea. Find a quiet corner of the house and curl up in a chair while you enjoy drinking it.
6. Read your favorite Bible verse. When was the last time you read your favorite Bible verse? Medical research has proved that you can lower your blood pressure by reading the Bible.
7. Reach for the stars...literally. Next time you feel tense and stressed, start stretching high into the air. Reach for those stars and let your muscles stretch as high as they can. Hold the stretch for at least 25 seconds. Then relax, take a deep breath, and repeat a few more times.
8. Smile the biggest smile you can find. Wonderful things happen to your body when you smile. Within seconds, your brain receives the message that you are smiling and that whatever was bothering you will soon be gone. Remember the saying: 'Smile and the world smiles with you."
9. Dance. It does not matter what kind of dancing, just get on your feet and start moving! (shine diamond shine, go girl, get your groove on! you know it, you can do it sing it stevie, boy there is nothing like getting in that mirror and shaking it!)Put on your favorite music and dance that stress away.
10. Play a hand of solitaire, not the computer kind. Find a deck of cards and deal yourself a hand (and no cheating!)
11. Count your blessings. When you are down and out, grab pencil and a piece of paper and start making a list of the many blessings you have received throughout your lifetime. Focus on the positives, and the negatives will soon be a thing of the past. ( the positives far outweight the negatives on my list, probably the same for you)
12. Go bowling. When did you last go bowling? Bowling alleys are another good example of a "quick and easy" getaway when stress is getting you down. Find a group of friends and form a bowling team or join a local league
13. Doodle. When was the last time you just went wild by doodling? Grab a piece of paper and a pencil and start drawing. Shapes, symbols, animals, it does not matter...just put something down. (Drawing is relaxing, takes you away from stress for the moment)
14. Read a book about successful people. Stop worrying about your own stress and problems and and focus instead on the stories of successful people. You will learn and be inspired about how they have overcome obstacles (and stress) in their lives.
15. Plan a dream vacation. Even if you cannot afford a luxury vacation at the moment, there is something exciting about just planning one. Surf the net and find an exotic location you would like to visit.
that's it folks, hope those above suggestions helps. have a good week.
i am making progress with my poetic efforts. it is simply not to happen overnight. i spend time each day working on my poetic planning. it is not easy because of other thorn-like obstacles. i don't have a problem with promotion because the community is waiting for me. i want to make things simple for myself. a small chapbook of fifty poems. a book of poetry with one hundred..(Red Rose, Crimson Beauty)...and since there are to be one hundred..a section with (Pier 3 Poetry from the Projects) included. I am not sure whether it should be a separate book. anyway, i shall not stress over it because in due seson i shall reap if i do not tire out...
Monday, May 29, 2006
De-Stressing! Suggestions for Home and on the Job...(Part 3)
Art can be relaxing also. That piece to the left is a piece from Cary Weems, african american photographer. I like looking at photographs and I can just look at pics all day long. But I realize that I have other work to do and I must make progress as a budding artist. Hoowever, to do that I must be relaxed and stress-free.
Are you ready for some more suggestions? We will focus on the home again, first then the job.
De-stressing At Home
1. Enjoy a few minutes of total solitude. Find a quiet place at home, and spend a few minutes doing nothing and thinking about nothing. (whew, is that possible?) Let your mind go blank, and listen to your heartbeat and your breathing. There is a certain peace and relaxation that comes when you take time for solitude.
2. Remove your watch. In our hectic society, everyone is constantly looking at their watch, trying to detemine where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing. Spend an afternoon or an evening with your watch off and forget about any scheduled activities.
3. Hug a baby or a small child. If there are no babies or children in your household, then visit a relative or a neighbor. Give a great big bear hug, and in a few seconds your blood pressure will drop a few points.
4. Go fly a kite.( Sometimes people would tell a person to go fly a kite in the negative sense of the word, go somewhere and do something!) When was the last time you flew a kite? There is something magical (and relaxing) that takes place when you launch a kite into the air and watch it soar effortlessly through the sky. Visit your local hobby or toy store and find a kite that you think you will enjoy. Or if you are feeling really adventurous, you can build your own kite from stratch. There are plenty of kite-making instructions on the internet, or stop by your local library and find a book on the subject.
5. Listen to the birds. Have you ever noticed that birds always appeasr to be happy? They sing no matter what is taking place in their lives. Take a few moments and observe and listen to the birds. Another option is to make or buy a recording of bird songs and begin each day to a chorus of birds.
6. Find your favorite aroma. Everyone has a favorite fragrance or two, especially ones from your childhood-the ones that bring back happy memories. perhaps it is the smell of fresh baked cookies or a cologne or perfume.
7. Browse at the library. When was the last time you visited your local library? These days you can find more than books and magazines. Cd's, DVD's, computer services, etc., are waiting for you. Or just peruse the magazine section and read about something new.
8. Have an ice cream sundae. Or a banana split or a big milk shake. Visit your local ice cream store and splurge. Try a new flavor or get an ice cream cone with two or three scoops. Ice cream has a special way of calming your nerves.
9. Go on an impromptu picnic. Grab some of your favorite foods, a tablecloth and your favorite beverages, and head outdoors for a picnic. If it's raining, hold your picnic indoors. And don't forget to invite a few friends.
10. Stop and smell the roses. literally. Visit your local florist shop or greenhouse and take a few moments to enjoy the wonderful fowers. Their colors and aroma will have a calming effect on you. (lavender roses, anyone?) ( i am still waiting)
11. Stare at the clouds. Remember when you were a child...staring at the clouds? You were looking for shapes, animals, etc.? Well, those clouds and special shapes are still there. Grab a pillow and head outdoors. Lose your stress in the clouds.
12. Start an " I am special" notebook. When you are down and out and feel as if the stress of the world is about to crush you, start writing a few lines in your notebook. Start listing things that are positive about yourself and some of the things you have accomplished.
13. Sounds of the evening. No matter where you live, the night has a special charm all its own. When was the last time you listened to the sounds of the evening? Listen carefully for frogs, crickets, owls and other sounds of the night. Sleep with the window open and concentrate on those sounds, instead of feeling stressed. (I will just have to get me some tapes with those sounds for in this get-toe at pier three..those sounds don't exist. (maybe just the birds in the early am) I may have to buy me a pet frog, or an owl. (lol)
14. Get a massage. have you ever enjoyed a massage? If not, you don't know what you are missing! A massage can help you lose the tension and stress in your body and in your mind. Look in the yellow pages and find a place that offers massages in your town. Many hair salons now offer massage services to their customers.
15. Watch an old movie. If there is nothing good on TV, go to the video store or the library and find some thing that puts a smile on your face. Put the popcorn in the microwave, dust off your favorite movie, an enjoy one of life's simple pleasures.
1. The loss of a loved one
2. A major llness or injury
3. Divorce or separation
4. Serious financial troubles
5. Losing your job
6. Getting married
7. Moving to a new apartment or house (yes, yes and yes, i know but i need and want to )
8. Having a fight or falling out with a close friend
9. The birth of a child
10. Retirement
THE BEST STRESS-BUSTING IDEA....WE MUST RECOGNIZE THAT MOST STRESS IS CREATED BY US. THE "WHAT IF FACTOR"...."WHAT IF THE BOSS DOES NOT LIKE MY PRESENTATION?" "WHAT IF IT IS CANCER?" "WHAT IF MY FATHER DIES?" (And most of the time the (what ifs do not happen.) Learn to think logically and you will nip the stress in the bud, BEFORE IT CAN ATTACK!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
De-Stressing! Suggestions for Home and on the Job...(Part 2)
That's Grandma Osbey in that photo. She is a bird-catcher. If I can just control my stress, maybe I can live to be her age and beyond. What do you think? Do we have a fighting chance? She has lived a good long life and will probably live many more years to come.
Here are some suggestions for de-stressing on the job.
1. Get a good night's sleep. How much sleep did you get last night? Most people do not get enough sleep, and that can cause you to begin your workday already feeling stressed. Stop falling asleep on the sofa and go to bed. Set a goal of trying to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Give your body a chance to relax and you will wake up refreshed and ready to begin your day.
2. Eat your breakfast. Before you shout, "Breakfast, who has time for breakfast?" remember that we all have the same amount of time: 24 hours a day. Set your alarm clock 20 minutes earlier and eat something nutritious before you head out to work. Even if you have only a piece of toast, a glass of orange juice and some fruit, at least you are getting something nourishing into your body.
3. Get some exercise. If you can rearrange your schedule to make time for breakfast, you can do the same to include excercise. Excercise can do wonders to relieve the stress in your body and in your mind. Take a few moments and do several jumping jacks and arm and leg stretches. Walk or jog in place and before you know it, you will begin to feel better.
4. Get the right attitude. Do you know that your attitude is your most prized possession? It is something that you and only you can control. No one can take it away from you, so it is important to begin each day with the right attitude. By having a positive attitude, you set your tone for your whole day.
5. Stop worrying. When you find yourself worrying too much, stress will find a way in. Sometimes it helps to simply make a list of what is worrying you and then look for creative solutions for each problem. While no one can live completely worry-free, you can reduce the amount of time you spend worrying.
6. Avoid stressful commutes. For example, try using a road that has less traffic, and you won't get caught up in everyone else's road rage problems. If someone wants to pass you, let them. Take a few seconds when the light changes before proceeding. And make sure you allow plenty of time before you travel to your job. You can cause your own stress attack by leaving late and then worrying about how you can get to your job on time.
7. Set goals for yourself. Know what you need to accomplish each day on your job. If you have a very stressful job, make a list of the things you need to work on, and concentrate on them one at a time. When you become organized and have goals in your work life, stress can be kept at bay.
8. Slow down. While this may be easier said than done, research shows that people who slow down actually accomplish more than people who are rushing around. Concentrate on the tasks at hand and focus on what it is you are trying to accomplish. When you slow down, your concentration increases and you work smarter, not harder.
9. Improve your time managment skills. Everyone has 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you choose to spend your time wisely, you feel good about yourself and everything you have accomplished. Read a book on time management, attend a workshop or simply sit down and brainstorm ways you can improve your use of time.
10. Find your "happy zone" at work. Everyone wants to be happy, but for some reason, the work world tends to rob us of our happiness. But you can be happy at work and when you are, stress has a way of rolling off you like raindrops. Sit down and brainstom creative ways you can be happy at your job.
(to be continued)
De-Stressing! Suggestions for Home and on the Job...(Part 1)
Look at the caption to your left. You are there at the Bahamas, water so blue. Let's say you are there lying on the beach, with family, friends or simply alone. There is no stress here. You are lying on a beach towel with an umbrella to protect you from the sun. You have soothing music, a nice swimsuit on and you are just having a good time for seven days, six nites. You are staying in a nice hotel, NO STRESS! Look again, the bluest sky, bluest water and that sand. Walk in it, leave your footprints!
Now, your seven days, six nites are over. Look at the photo at the top. You are in the sky, a pretty blue one; however you are getting ready to land at the Newark Airport. Oh, you can just smell the death-dealing poison in the air, the fast paced way of life, the STRESS! Ok now, the job, the home, the kids, the computer email, the dogs, the cat, the snake, you name it, it's back! S-T-R-E-S-S IN A NUTSHELL! Let's see the suggestions that are made for us in the small Smartstyles Book that I mentioned in the last post.
Beat Stress at Home
1. Laugh out Loud. (LOL) When was the last time you laughed out loud? You have probably heard the saying, "laughter is the best medicine," and it is true. Get in touch with your inner sense of humor, and watch your stress evaporate. Start by reading the comics in the daily newspaper or listening to your favorite comedian on a CD. There are thousands of Web sites that have jokes and funny stories. Visit a few today and start laughing out loud.
2. Listen to raindrops. The next time it is raining when you are at home, take a few minutes and listen to the raindrops. There is something very peaceful about rain, and listening to the raindrops will help alleviate any stress you are experiencing. Alternatively, buy a CD of sounds of a rain shower. Visit for a wide selection of CDs with sounds of nature. Next time you feel stressed, take one out and listen to it.
3. Pet your dog. Or cat, or whatever pet you happen to have at home. Medical research has proved that your blood pressure drops when you begin to pet an animal. Although your day at home might be so hectic that you wished you lived on another planet, try petting the dog and let it snuggle with you. You'll be amazed at how you will begin to feel better in just a few moments.
4. Sleep in. When was the last time you took time for yourself in the morning? There is no better way to beat stress at home than to spend a little extra time in bed. Too often people rush through life, running from one appointment to another, and the result is stress. Stop the stress now and then by taking the time to sleep in. (that rhymes, my words)lol
5. Spend a few minutes on the back porch. When you are completely stressed out at home, spend a few minutes on the back porch or deck. (at pier 3, i found me a little cage i go to, lol) (If you don't have either one, find a quiet place in the backyard) hmmm...I don't have that either, but i got my cage for concentration) Sit down and do nothing. Take a deep breath, and appreciate the fresh air and the solitude. Look up at the sky, and enjoy nature at its finest.
6. Walk barefoot on the beach. If you are fortunate enough to live near the beach, make sure you find the time to walk barefoot. Just walk and listen to the waves crashing against the shore. Feel the warm sand on your feet and toes. Your breathing will be more relaxed, and any stress you have been experiencing will soon disappear. If you live too far from the beach to take a walk, visualize yourself there. (well alright!) Or listen to sounds of rhythmic waves at the beach and visualize yourself being there. (not a problem!) When you can begin using visualization techniques, you can beat stress no matter where you live. (even at pier3, well I'll be!)
7. Take a long bath. There is something very special about a long, hot bath. When was the last time you had a bubble bath? When your body sinks into the tub filled with bubbles, the cares and worrries of the world begin to slip away. It can do wonders for your tired and aching body and helps make the stress disappear. (and if you have room for candles, that would be nice, my suggestion)
8. Listen to your favorite music. It does not matter if you are into classical, hip hop, easy listening, rock n' roll or country. Something magical happens when you listen to your favorite music. Music has the ability to take your mind off your problems.
9. Give to others. Winston Churchill said "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." (all quote-a-holics in the house, say hey!) What have you given to others lately? If you are feeling stressed, there's nothing like putting others first to make that stress go away. Pay a compliment to a friend, hug your spouse or child. Or just listen when someone has a problem they need help with.
10. Stop planning and do something on an impulse. Are you one of those people who always has to plan out their schedule and budget their time? Every now and then it is good to do something on an impulse. Run out and enjoy an ice cream cone or go to the movies and see a bargain matinee. Some of your best times can be had when you do things "on an impulse." The excitement of doing something different can drive the stress right out of your life.
end of part one
next ten more de-stressors at home; first ten de-stressors on the job
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Quotes-by The Famous! Updates on Red Rose, Crimson Beauty
introducing persons you and i both know......
1. the first sparrow of spring! the year beginning with younger hope than ever! henry david thoreau (1817-1862)
2. walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. there is a way out of evey dark mist, over a rainbow trail. navajo song
3. i have accepted fear as part of life-specifically the fear of change...i have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says turn back. Erica Jong b.1942
4. hold your head high, stick your chest out. you can make it. it gets dark sometimes but morning comes.....keep hope alive. Jesse Jackson b. 1948
5. the man with courage is a majority. Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)
6. shrug off the restraints that you have allowed others to place upon you. you are limitless. there is nothing you cannot achieve. there is no sadness in life that cannot be reversed....Clearwater
7. we have enough people who tell it like it is-now we could use a few who tell it like it can be. Robert Orben
8. i compared notes with one of my friends who expects everything of the universe, and is disappointed when anything is less than the best, and i found that i begin at the other extreme, expecting nothing, and am always full of thanks for moderate goods. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
9. from success you get lot of things, but not that great inside thing that love brings you. Sam Goldwyn (1882-1974)
10. it is in the shelter of each other that the people live. An irish proverb
Red Rose, Crimson Beauty
the red rose is a thing of beauty when found among thorns; when found not among thorns. the past few months, even weeks have been thorn-like yes, but that is alright for the red rose stands despite the thorns that life brings upon it. the semester is over and the red rose finished the semester with a 3.7 gpa which was quite a surprise to her. the thorns that surrounded her during the semester still remains and how lovely it is to be standing at this time with her mind and heart in the right place. Oh, but the thorns shall not get in the way of her poetic efforts which are taking place at this time.
yes the atlanta journey is still on; just pushed back by a week or two. only able to stay for about four days and still by train....that is not going to change. my friend had her hernia surgery and she will be able to accomodate me still. also the poetry will be mailed on may 29 which is the day in which i will be 48 years of age and that is a gift to myself. if that is memorial day, the poetry will be mailed the following day. at least the poetry will be ready. i will be ready to visit June 6-10th. my thorns have cost a postponement again. that's ok, for the red rose will just get up and move again with a sense of inner strength and determination.
*****goals-send one hundred poems to Neshee Publication or before may 29, 2006
****look into other options such as self-publishing...continue to browse books at library, even checking them out. this goal of having this book RED ROSE, CRIMSON BEAUTY, PETALS OF PASSION, PETALS OF PEACE, is long overdue, but so is a lot of things in life, right? as long as the goal is being worked on the best of my ability and with the help of the one who created me, all is well and good.
goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals.
are reachable, are reachable, are reachable, are reachable!
the red rose
1. the first sparrow of spring! the year beginning with younger hope than ever! henry david thoreau (1817-1862)
2. walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. there is a way out of evey dark mist, over a rainbow trail. navajo song
3. i have accepted fear as part of life-specifically the fear of change...i have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says turn back. Erica Jong b.1942
4. hold your head high, stick your chest out. you can make it. it gets dark sometimes but morning comes.....keep hope alive. Jesse Jackson b. 1948
5. the man with courage is a majority. Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)
6. shrug off the restraints that you have allowed others to place upon you. you are limitless. there is nothing you cannot achieve. there is no sadness in life that cannot be reversed....Clearwater
7. we have enough people who tell it like it is-now we could use a few who tell it like it can be. Robert Orben
8. i compared notes with one of my friends who expects everything of the universe, and is disappointed when anything is less than the best, and i found that i begin at the other extreme, expecting nothing, and am always full of thanks for moderate goods. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
9. from success you get lot of things, but not that great inside thing that love brings you. Sam Goldwyn (1882-1974)
10. it is in the shelter of each other that the people live. An irish proverb
Red Rose, Crimson Beauty
the red rose is a thing of beauty when found among thorns; when found not among thorns. the past few months, even weeks have been thorn-like yes, but that is alright for the red rose stands despite the thorns that life brings upon it. the semester is over and the red rose finished the semester with a 3.7 gpa which was quite a surprise to her. the thorns that surrounded her during the semester still remains and how lovely it is to be standing at this time with her mind and heart in the right place. Oh, but the thorns shall not get in the way of her poetic efforts which are taking place at this time.
yes the atlanta journey is still on; just pushed back by a week or two. only able to stay for about four days and still by train....that is not going to change. my friend had her hernia surgery and she will be able to accomodate me still. also the poetry will be mailed on may 29 which is the day in which i will be 48 years of age and that is a gift to myself. if that is memorial day, the poetry will be mailed the following day. at least the poetry will be ready. i will be ready to visit June 6-10th. my thorns have cost a postponement again. that's ok, for the red rose will just get up and move again with a sense of inner strength and determination.
*****goals-send one hundred poems to Neshee Publication or before may 29, 2006
****look into other options such as self-publishing...continue to browse books at library, even checking them out. this goal of having this book RED ROSE, CRIMSON BEAUTY, PETALS OF PASSION, PETALS OF PEACE, is long overdue, but so is a lot of things in life, right? as long as the goal is being worked on the best of my ability and with the help of the one who created me, all is well and good.
goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals.
are reachable, are reachable, are reachable, are reachable!
the red rose
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Great Gifts For the Mothers You Know
This Sunday is Mother's Day. Many persons are thankful indeed that their mothers are still alive and there are many who have lost their mothers within this year. In any event, mothers are appreciated by their children for they indeed brought us into this world and no matter how old we become, they still care for us and look at us as their children. They always will.
I am thankful for my mother despite our not being that close, for she has some things that she has to really let go of and she will with God's help. It is good that I have the insight to know that and it keeps me from getting upset when I don't get the phone calls, visits, and conversations that my other siblings get. I am uniquely her daughter, Sister Serious! I can be quite busy and focused about many things that I am trying to accomplish all alone for that is what sister serious is used to. Despite that, I love my mother from the apartment at Pier 3, from the windows of my soul, for she deserves my love. I deserves her love, too. I am glad that she gave birth to me and that I am still breathing. She is still alive and in the Poconos at this time and that is a good thing! She still travels at the age of sixty-six. Go ahead mother with yo bad self! I just called her at the Poconos and you know what! She is watching a Lifetime movie! She appreciated my call. God is in control of all things.
Every year when Mother's Day rolls around, there are so many advertisements about diamonds and expensive jewelry that we're supposed to buy to make our moms feel appreciated. Now my friends, it is not all about money. You want to bless the mother in your life without spending a fortune.
1. Any picture of her children will be appreciated by her. You can create personalized photo albums with captions and memorabilia which will be appreciated. You know she will delight over such gifts. At craft stores blank ones can be bought in all sizes.
2. Write out a coupon for a night of babysitting.
3. How about a coupon for housecleaning?
4. A basket filled with a picnic for her family and you can throw in her favorite chocolate.
5. Compose a letter of genuine appreciation telling her how much she has meant in your life. Enumerate some of the wonderful things that she has done for you over the years.
6. Design a powerpoint presentation of her favorite memories. The sky is the limit, if you are computer savvy!
7. Organize her photographs for her.
8. Polish all of the silver in her house. If she does not have silver, buy a drawer organizer and organize her junk drawer.
9. Plant a row of flowers in her yard.
10. Homemade food..lasagna, bread, pot pie, soup...) is a hit!
The above ten suggestions don't cost a lot of money, if any at all! But they cost time and true attention, they require some effort. Appreciate your mother on Mother's Day but don't let it end there! Love her every day in every way.
**the above ten suggestions were taken from the In touch magazine. **
Red Rose, Crimson Beauty....Petals of Passion, Petals of Peace
I am sending the poetry to the publisher next Friday for a free review. Please pray for me, for this is a first. I am still dealing with school work, so it is going to take great effort; however it must be done for the goal is the month of June. I need to have my work publish!
Queen Writer
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Ok, I will try again on this blog site. It may not be the exact words, but the thought will be the same. Each time there was a good message and it was hard work. So please read this carefully knowing that this is the message that I have trying to get to you since last week and lost each each and everytime.
I had mentioned that the pictures that you see on were there because of my love for art. The reason that you see the photos of myself is because I was unsure of the photos since they were labeled by number. I needed more room for two more photos and so I used myself. I mentioned on the prior posts that I was not conceited, just convinced! It's not that I like looking at myself and want all of you to look at me all the time. In fact, whenever a person meets me for the first time what they will find is a shy, quiet and reserved individual who is really not too comfortable around a lot of folx. Especially if I spot some hypocrisy in a person, I will not have too much to say. I tend to let others talk and I may simply smile or blush. Others will detect that right away and will accept me as I am. I am just me, the Queenwriter.
All of us are artists in various ways. Some of us are literary artists; some are visual artists. Literary artists enjoy the written word for they use their pens as their swords to write poetry, books and even plays. On the other hand, the visual artist uses their hands to express their creativity to draw, sculpture, paint, do printmaking and ceramics and even photography. Some of us are in the category of both the literary and the visual artist. We are engaged in the artistic world of both the literary and the visual arena. Regardless of what area we may be engaged in, we are simply artists! Tell yourself that sometimes. Shout it out, that you are a poet, writer, painter, printmaker or photographer! Go ahead, don't be afraid! You are not conceited, you are just simply convinced! For there is always room for improvement. Oops, I left out music, how can I forget when my dear friend and sistah made it possible for Misinterpretations on the American Idol Underground.Song #111. Yes, it's called Musicality! Music is a form of art. Now dear Mocha Sistah where did I learn that word from? You are convinced!
Sometimes a person may become so dependent on their position in the corporate world and may feel really secure in it. However, one may go in to work one fine day or week and given the pink slip or the ax and told that they no longer have their position or are laid off. Being a creative artist allows you the flexibility to be your own boss. You don't have to worry about a layoff. You just have create a job or position. You are an artist in your heart, soul and mind. How can someone lay that off? You can't. Even if you don't have a position at the time, you still have a title for yourself. It does not rest on another person using tactics, manipulating to see who goes and who stays, creating a whole lot of havoc. Pick and choose so to speak causing ill will among employees. Using the bumping system. Shoot! Who needs it! There is nothing wrong with working a nine-to-five for one must take care of their needs and bills. However what is being said here is that if and when it ever happens, do not fall apart because you are going to make it as long as you are a creative artist. Being marketable is the key to success in this game of life.
Recently our dear friend and sistah Shai was laid off from her job. She needed encouragement and comfort shortly thereafter. Of course it stunned her and she was quite shocked. However, Shai will make it because she has skills that will enable her to do something else like writing more poetry, a book, may look for more work, enter more contests, she may even decide to work from home. She has a lot of options that she probably has not even thought about. She is a college graduate. God has her back and He has ours. Right? Right!
I have decided to take more art classes because I really enjoy them. I am so glad that I did not back out of Basic Drawing even though I wanted to. My professor encouraged me to stick with it, not to compare my work with the other students. I love being a "visual artist." As a matter of fact, I still enjoy my poetry, it is just that school takes a lot of time. It can be compared to a full-time job. Somehow drawing is more therapeutic than writing is at this time. The reason being is that drawing is more expressive for me and requires more concentration. I can just imagine what painting will be like. It is so expressive, yes I can see my using the paint-brushing strokes across a blank white page. Let the emotions flow, let them flow! Anything to get my mind off of Pier 3 for a moment. For a small moment! Writing and poetry are still in my blood now. I'm not leaving you all as far as the poetry! Just that I am applying to some art schools in Atlanta as well as Clark-Atlanta, Agnes Scott and Spelman College again for September. I am going to be in somebody's school somewhere on the planet called USA. If not, I am going to the moon!
Look at this experience and tell me if there is a God. On Sunday I was in Pennsylvania at a christian conference. There were a lot of persons there, some I knew and some I did not know. Vera, someone that I had not seen in years approached me. We started talking and a name came up in the conversation. Terri Williams. Wow! Why did that name come up? It was God. Read on. Terri was my maid of honor twenty-four years ago. I wondered where she was living now and guess what folx? You guessed right! ATLANTA! ATLANTA! ATLANTA! There goes that word again popping right up in front of me. Vera was calling Terri that night and said that she was going to give her my telephone number. She promised to. I mentioned to Vera that Atlanta is where I had been trying to get to since 2002. Terri, her husband and her mother lives in Atlanta. You heard me right! Terri is from Trenton and we were so close when she was single. I have not seen her since 1990. I got married in 1982. Anyway, Terri called me yesterday and we talked. She shouted from the rooftops: SHARON, COME ON DOWN! SHARON, I HAVE A GUESTROOM! SHARON, MOVE DOWN HERE, FOR YOU CAN GET A NICE ONE BEDROOM GARDEN APARTMENT FOR 300. little does she know that i need a 2 bedroom apt, for i have an office in my kitchen now and i may adopt that baby boy one fine day. SHARON, PLEASE COME! SHARON, JUST SOME ON DOWN! You know I know she means it and if anybody knows about moving, it is Terri. She moved all the time when she was in Trenton here. She promises to show me some apartments when I come down. Now can I ask for more? She lives near Spelman College.(fifteen minutes, in Morrow) The excitement in her voice! She is having a hernia operation on May 15th so she wanted me to come either before or sometime after. My only options are to go there on the 11th for 4 days or wait until the Memorial Day weekend in which I turn forty-eight years old on the 29th. I can go on the 26th-29th or 30th. Summer school starts on the 22nd and I need the math class in order to get my degree in June. That was my purpose of taking the summer school class. The class is by internet and it goes by fast. Well, just as God directed my meeting Vera in among a large crowd of persons, He will direct me when it is time for me to go to Atlanta. I had been worrying about where I was going to stay, with who, money to do so, etc. By staying with Terri and her husband in the guestroom, I know that I will feel secure. I will be taking the train by choice. I love riding on the train. I can meditate, contemplate on many things and feel SIMPLY ARTISTIC! What about you? How do you feel about now???????
with love,
a beautiful red rose
ps: i pray that this goes through; this is what I have been typing at least 6-7 times and lost it every time. Please value this; I worked hard and I hope you enjoyed it.....whew!!!!!!!!!!
this was typed with love for you all believe me!!!!
is going to replace the other one.
it really let me down, the other one
i don't know what ails it. lol
I had mentioned that the pictures that you see on were there because of my love for art. The reason that you see the photos of myself is because I was unsure of the photos since they were labeled by number. I needed more room for two more photos and so I used myself. I mentioned on the prior posts that I was not conceited, just convinced! It's not that I like looking at myself and want all of you to look at me all the time. In fact, whenever a person meets me for the first time what they will find is a shy, quiet and reserved individual who is really not too comfortable around a lot of folx. Especially if I spot some hypocrisy in a person, I will not have too much to say. I tend to let others talk and I may simply smile or blush. Others will detect that right away and will accept me as I am. I am just me, the Queenwriter.
All of us are artists in various ways. Some of us are literary artists; some are visual artists. Literary artists enjoy the written word for they use their pens as their swords to write poetry, books and even plays. On the other hand, the visual artist uses their hands to express their creativity to draw, sculpture, paint, do printmaking and ceramics and even photography. Some of us are in the category of both the literary and the visual artist. We are engaged in the artistic world of both the literary and the visual arena. Regardless of what area we may be engaged in, we are simply artists! Tell yourself that sometimes. Shout it out, that you are a poet, writer, painter, printmaker or photographer! Go ahead, don't be afraid! You are not conceited, you are just simply convinced! For there is always room for improvement. Oops, I left out music, how can I forget when my dear friend and sistah made it possible for Misinterpretations on the American Idol Underground.Song #111. Yes, it's called Musicality! Music is a form of art. Now dear Mocha Sistah where did I learn that word from? You are convinced!
Sometimes a person may become so dependent on their position in the corporate world and may feel really secure in it. However, one may go in to work one fine day or week and given the pink slip or the ax and told that they no longer have their position or are laid off. Being a creative artist allows you the flexibility to be your own boss. You don't have to worry about a layoff. You just have create a job or position. You are an artist in your heart, soul and mind. How can someone lay that off? You can't. Even if you don't have a position at the time, you still have a title for yourself. It does not rest on another person using tactics, manipulating to see who goes and who stays, creating a whole lot of havoc. Pick and choose so to speak causing ill will among employees. Using the bumping system. Shoot! Who needs it! There is nothing wrong with working a nine-to-five for one must take care of their needs and bills. However what is being said here is that if and when it ever happens, do not fall apart because you are going to make it as long as you are a creative artist. Being marketable is the key to success in this game of life.
Recently our dear friend and sistah Shai was laid off from her job. She needed encouragement and comfort shortly thereafter. Of course it stunned her and she was quite shocked. However, Shai will make it because she has skills that will enable her to do something else like writing more poetry, a book, may look for more work, enter more contests, she may even decide to work from home. She has a lot of options that she probably has not even thought about. She is a college graduate. God has her back and He has ours. Right? Right!
I have decided to take more art classes because I really enjoy them. I am so glad that I did not back out of Basic Drawing even though I wanted to. My professor encouraged me to stick with it, not to compare my work with the other students. I love being a "visual artist." As a matter of fact, I still enjoy my poetry, it is just that school takes a lot of time. It can be compared to a full-time job. Somehow drawing is more therapeutic than writing is at this time. The reason being is that drawing is more expressive for me and requires more concentration. I can just imagine what painting will be like. It is so expressive, yes I can see my using the paint-brushing strokes across a blank white page. Let the emotions flow, let them flow! Anything to get my mind off of Pier 3 for a moment. For a small moment! Writing and poetry are still in my blood now. I'm not leaving you all as far as the poetry! Just that I am applying to some art schools in Atlanta as well as Clark-Atlanta, Agnes Scott and Spelman College again for September. I am going to be in somebody's school somewhere on the planet called USA. If not, I am going to the moon!
Look at this experience and tell me if there is a God. On Sunday I was in Pennsylvania at a christian conference. There were a lot of persons there, some I knew and some I did not know. Vera, someone that I had not seen in years approached me. We started talking and a name came up in the conversation. Terri Williams. Wow! Why did that name come up? It was God. Read on. Terri was my maid of honor twenty-four years ago. I wondered where she was living now and guess what folx? You guessed right! ATLANTA! ATLANTA! ATLANTA! There goes that word again popping right up in front of me. Vera was calling Terri that night and said that she was going to give her my telephone number. She promised to. I mentioned to Vera that Atlanta is where I had been trying to get to since 2002. Terri, her husband and her mother lives in Atlanta. You heard me right! Terri is from Trenton and we were so close when she was single. I have not seen her since 1990. I got married in 1982. Anyway, Terri called me yesterday and we talked. She shouted from the rooftops: SHARON, COME ON DOWN! SHARON, I HAVE A GUESTROOM! SHARON, MOVE DOWN HERE, FOR YOU CAN GET A NICE ONE BEDROOM GARDEN APARTMENT FOR 300. little does she know that i need a 2 bedroom apt, for i have an office in my kitchen now and i may adopt that baby boy one fine day. SHARON, PLEASE COME! SHARON, JUST SOME ON DOWN! You know I know she means it and if anybody knows about moving, it is Terri. She moved all the time when she was in Trenton here. She promises to show me some apartments when I come down. Now can I ask for more? She lives near Spelman College.(fifteen minutes, in Morrow) The excitement in her voice! She is having a hernia operation on May 15th so she wanted me to come either before or sometime after. My only options are to go there on the 11th for 4 days or wait until the Memorial Day weekend in which I turn forty-eight years old on the 29th. I can go on the 26th-29th or 30th. Summer school starts on the 22nd and I need the math class in order to get my degree in June. That was my purpose of taking the summer school class. The class is by internet and it goes by fast. Well, just as God directed my meeting Vera in among a large crowd of persons, He will direct me when it is time for me to go to Atlanta. I had been worrying about where I was going to stay, with who, money to do so, etc. By staying with Terri and her husband in the guestroom, I know that I will feel secure. I will be taking the train by choice. I love riding on the train. I can meditate, contemplate on many things and feel SIMPLY ARTISTIC! What about you? How do you feel about now???????
with love,
a beautiful red rose
ps: i pray that this goes through; this is what I have been typing at least 6-7 times and lost it every time. Please value this; I worked hard and I hope you enjoyed it.....whew!!!!!!!!!!
this was typed with love for you all believe me!!!!
is going to replace the other one.
it really let me down, the other one
i don't know what ails it. lol
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
A Beautiful World We Do Live In- A Reminder!
The Beauty of the World
Depression feels terrible. How else can I put it? It is the world's largest misery, to put it mildly. If I had one wish in my life it would be to eradicate depression from the earth. Our planet is a beautiful place. Sure it has problems, but it gives us life with infinite possibilities for change. One day you can look up and meet someone's eyes and the next thing you know you are in love! That's magic! However, depression does not let us look up, does it? The beauty of the world is blind to us because we are so busy looking down in the gutters. We are looking down. We feel down. We act down. We walk as if we are carrying two hundred pounds of mud on our backs and we literally focus our eyes on all of the down things of the world. The garbage, the pain, the dirt. Why not let ourselves look up? Look up at the wonderful sky, the beauty of the trees, the animals, the people, the buildings, the world in general. What about the smell of rain, the sound of waves, the bees buzzing. Today, did you notice the beauty of the world or did you look down at the garbage? Are you looking up and feeling better or are you letting depression suck every ounce of life blood out of your body? Are you going to give in or fight? Are you going to stand up now and LOOK UP? Are you going to go outside, hold your head up high, put your shoulders back and walk as though you know the world is a beautiful place, that you have the RIGHT to be healthy so that you can see how beautiful life can be? I am going to do it! And I am going to do it every time that feeling comes to tell me otherwise. How about you? Let's go!
The Challenge I Face
It is hard to meet deadlines and fill the needs of others when you have problems with anxiety. It is as though the worries of the world are on your shoulders whereas in reality you just have to do the things that other people do in life with ease.
I am in school studying Art/Psychology. I am trying to finish the manuscript for my first poetic book. It feels like too much. For others it would be nothing. I do not work a full-time job. I do not have kids. I don't HAVE to do anything. I want a real life, able to do things that others do. I feel the stress in my lungs pushing out all my air. I feel my mind saying-"You can't do it, Diamond." "You can't do it." I feel a pressure in my body to be like other people. I want to tell myself that it is just a drawing/african american art/microbiology/journalism class. It is only one hundred poems that they want me to send. It is only a matter of time before I vacate pier three. Come on, Diamond, you have a two page response paper that is due next week. You are so weak and tired. You have little energy. You are behind in all classes. The neighbors wont let you concentrate. That little voice is telling me all kinds of negatives and discouraging remarks that I don't want to hear. I don't allow the bipolar brain to talk to me like that anymore. Notice the following steps that I take to help myself:
1. I do some deep breathing-breathing that reminds me that i do have enough air and I will always have enough air.
2. I say STOP to the thoughts that tell me I can't continue and I start to think rationally.
3. I remind myself that I have bipolar disorder and that this is a symptom of this medical illness. I can get through it just as I have always gotten through it.
4. I take a minute to look at my options in a rational way. I don't have to be perfect in art class or the other classes, just do my best. I don't have to overdo things with getting the poetry together and sent. I can keep things simple, I do know how.
5. I can tell someone that I am overwhelmed and ask for their advice ot help-maybe they can type something for me or help me arrange my papers, like my therapist.
6. I can remember that my worrying most of the time is often worse than doing the project.
7. I can remind myself that this kind of self-care is not stupid or silly. It is essential if I want to live in the real world and complete projects.
8. And to remind myself that I am not a performing dog-I do not have to go into class and be perfect and I don't have to do anthing that is not required of me.
My feelings of depression are usually after a bad thought or feeling of just being tired over a long period of time-chronic. The fact that the thyroid condition has been so low for so long is not helping my chemically imbalanced brain at all. Soon, I will be given a medication and I will feel better as far as that is concerned. Then I have the colonoscopy that is shortly to be done, May 5th to be exact. So, I am taking care of my medical needs and situations in addition to the mental health needs. And, just like all of you know, my living conditions have beome almost unbearable for me to endure for too much longer. I will be going on that much needed trip to Atlanta on May 18th. I would prefer train over plane. I could use the relaxing ride through the other states, looking out the windows and enjoying the moment. I know that if I am placed in a whole new set of circumstances other than present, my health, energy level and other factors would change dramatically. By the 18th I will be finished with my classes, and finishing up an Incomplete grade. I will be able to take my "Tears of a Woman" the Light Within, which I will pick up tomorrow at the post office. It is waiting for me. So, despite the mood disorder which seeks to get me down at this time, I shall fight it. The red rose can conquer this one too as long as she treats the illness first. This involves therapy, keeping appointments, medication compliance, needed sleep and rest and healthy diet. In addition to, keeping up-to-date with the websites, emails and updated literature to help me to cope with it for it is a life-time challenge that I am facing. But the diabetic also has to face everyday for insulin. Different illness, that is all. And on that note, I must say "Goodnite." Each day is sufficient for its own anxieties. (Matthew 6:34) and weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. I always look forward to the sun shining brightly through the window in the morning. It meant that "I survived" and God allowed!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Petals of Passion, Petals of Peace
Hello everyone and I do hope that this proves to be a great week for all of you. As for me, it is going to be a busy week. There are so many exams and papers that need to be done this week, so I don't have time for any extra stuff. I will start getting my poetry together at the rate of ten per day, which will make for one hundred by the end of the month. So, if anything needs to be organized this week, it is my LIFE! It seems that I need to extend the poetry for another week because if they want one hundred poems, then that means ten days at ten poems typed per day. I need to give myself to the 29th of the month for that. The reason is because the red rose remains to be a student full-time and it simply takes time for all that I must do.
Passion and Peace are needed today. We have to have a passion for something in order to enjoy it. A passion for writing. Art. The spoken word. The piano. Swimming. Whatever your passion is, enjoy it. The rose has four petals. Passion, peace, power and purpose. All four are vital in our lives today. We need power to refuel our tanks so that we may continue on. We most certainly don't need anyone to take our power away from us. Peace is important to the red rose. Peace and quiet. No aggravation. Peace like a river, flowing ever so smoothly. Peace like one can experience when all else fails and God takes over. Peace like I want when it is time for me to close my eyes for the night and not have to hear her nonsense or her dog barking at midnight. I want peace at all times. Purpose...does your life have purpose, meaning? If not, you will not really see a reason to go on. you may merely just exist and breathe. When you get up each day, think of a purpose. Why are you here? Where are you going in life? What are your goals? Keep a sense of passion, purpose, power and purpose in your life and you will be strengthened to fight the prickly thorns!
1. microbiology-2 papers and an exam test 3(this week)
2. do a presentation on Monet or Picasso Saturday morning (art drawings)
3. art examination on wednesday evening at 5pm (select artist for reaction paper, due the 26th)
4. Journalism-do my own thing on line(quizzes and assignments)
as long as the red rose does not think on all of these at one time, she will be just fine.
telling the prickly stem that she can handle it, just one thing at a time!
Passion and Peace are needed today. We have to have a passion for something in order to enjoy it. A passion for writing. Art. The spoken word. The piano. Swimming. Whatever your passion is, enjoy it. The rose has four petals. Passion, peace, power and purpose. All four are vital in our lives today. We need power to refuel our tanks so that we may continue on. We most certainly don't need anyone to take our power away from us. Peace is important to the red rose. Peace and quiet. No aggravation. Peace like a river, flowing ever so smoothly. Peace like one can experience when all else fails and God takes over. Peace like I want when it is time for me to close my eyes for the night and not have to hear her nonsense or her dog barking at midnight. I want peace at all times. Purpose...does your life have purpose, meaning? If not, you will not really see a reason to go on. you may merely just exist and breathe. When you get up each day, think of a purpose. Why are you here? Where are you going in life? What are your goals? Keep a sense of passion, purpose, power and purpose in your life and you will be strengthened to fight the prickly thorns!
1. microbiology-2 papers and an exam test 3(this week)
2. do a presentation on Monet or Picasso Saturday morning (art drawings)
3. art examination on wednesday evening at 5pm (select artist for reaction paper, due the 26th)
4. Journalism-do my own thing on line(quizzes and assignments)
as long as the red rose does not think on all of these at one time, she will be just fine.
telling the prickly stem that she can handle it, just one thing at a time!
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