Sunday, June 18, 2006


I do recall a friend of mine going to a show-an art show of Charles Bibbs. Mind you, I have never heard of Charles Bibbs. However, knowing this particular friend and her taste, he had to be some wonderful kind of artist, for she seems to know only the best. I was curious about Charles Bibbs, so I did my little research. I am interested in learning about more African American artists that I did not learn about in my class. I wanted to see his art on the web and I wanted to know his background. Here we go:

Charles Bibbs' artwork fuses African, African American and Native American cultural themes, to make powerful cross cultural statements. His renderings convey a deep sense of spirituality, majestu, dignity, strength and grace. Bibbs has always believed that "We are the keepers of our culture", and as such, has spent much of his time working towards developing a cohesive, energized African American community. Born in Harbor City, California Charles first expressed himself artistically in elementary school. He credits his parents with recognizing and encouraging him to develop his talents. He is also an entrepreneur and philanthropist who resides in Southern California. His work is thought provoking and capable of arousing strong emotions regardless of ethnic, gender and generational affiliation. Although he may have an idea or vision in mind when painting a particular piece, Charles prefers each individual who views his work to gain a personal vision from his artwork. It is sufficient to say however his works are viewed, whatever individual emotions they may evoke, they remain characteristically and recognizably Bibbs. His works have been collected and displayed in museums and private collecions around the world.

What insight I have learned about this wonderful artist! I hope one day to own one or two of his works...but ONLY, yes ONLY after my poetic collection is published and I am making the DOUGH! I just luv, his works, I mean I absolutely luv his works!!!!

Now, here is to the art of it!

Friends, bear with me, it may be two to three posts! I should have downloaded the pics first!

please go to the following blog for pics, please!


MsJayy said...

Diamond - you are too much! LOL Did you see any of his work? He's a great artist & he gave a little talk upfront about what to look for, how he got started, etc. Nothing at this particular show caught my eye :O( but there's always next year, right? *wink*

mochasistah said...

Hey lady, he sounds like someone to watch out for. Definitely. I bet you are our NEXT ARTIST to watch out for. I see your photographs as works of art. One day after the first books of poetry you publish, I expect to see a photo/poem book. YOu are that awesome. IN the mean time I"ll check out the other blogs. Be blessed and keep on keeping.

Diamond said...

Hi Jackie,

Thank you for sharing the experience at the show. I always wanted to give an art show at a home or a place where persons can view works of art. Thank you.

Diamond said...


That is not a bad idea, to include my photos in my poetry book. But I am not sure if i have the time or if the photos are in common with the theme. Great idea and suggestion!