Friday, June 23, 2006

You Find What You Look For! OPTIMISM

He who earnestly seeks good find favor, but trouble will come to him who seeks evil. Proverbs 11:27

Life has its ups and downs. We love the up times, but oh, how we hate the down times. After many disappointments and difficult times, it's sometimes hard to believe for the best. We become cynical and jaded, ashamed to be vulnerable and childlike, afraid that our hopes and dreams are foolish in the "real world" that often seems to reward cold calculation. Yet when we close our hearts to optimism and faith, we close the door on making our dreams come true in this world. By choosing an optimistic attitude, however, we open ourselves to the possibility that God can turn our negative situations into something positive.

You can choose to be optimistic. Optimism is a learned attitude of faith. Faith is a choice, not an argument. It is an inner conviction, an unshakable assurance. You make a decision to choose optimism, choosing to believe that God will truly work all things together for good.

Focusing on the negatives in any situation is counterproductive. You concentrate on what's wrong and soon that's the only thing you can see. Here are some of the negative thoughts that hold us back: I can't, I won't, That's a problem, It's not fair, It won't work, Stupid, Imposssible, Hopeless, It's too hard, I'm not good enough, What a drag, and We never did it that way before.

Positive thoughts help us to make positive choices. Choose to replace negative patterns with positive, empowering thoughts like these: I can, It's possible, I'll give it a try, Lets go, Yes, I will, It will work, I am able to do this and It will be fun. (i am adding this one: yes, i can write, publish and promote my book and have fun doing it, and yes, it is going to get done.) and so will you!

Learn to look for the silver lining in the dark clouds of your life. Expect God to bring you good or to bring good out of a bad situation. (ok, Diamond, did you read that? then apply it baby girl! Focus on the positives. See the glass as half-full instead of half-empty. Wash the windows of your soul by asking God to cleanse your thoughts every day, replacing negative defeatest thoughts with positive affirmations of faith and hope.

The book of Hebrews talks about running the race, leaving those things behind that would encumber you and drag you down. Let go of those negative thoughts, and train yourself to foocus on a positive outcome instead of looking for potential disaster. Learn to see that every stumbling block can be a stepping stone. You will find what you look for, see what you want to see. If you want to reach the goal of a life well lived, learn to look with optimism and faith.


Have faith in God.

Expect God to bring good even in negative situations. (okaayyyy)

See every stumbling block as a stepping stone. (allrriggghhttt)

Be optimistic about outcomes.

Choose a positive attitude.

Focus on the positive instead of the negative.

Be open to new possibilities.

Things to Do

1. In your journal write about an unexpected blessing that came at a difficult time in your life.

2. For just one day, replace every negative word or comment with a positive word or comment.

3. Make a personal affirmation from a Bible verse (perhaps Psalm 118:24) and say it first thing in the morning every week for the next week.

4. Develop a friendship with someone new.

5. Write your worries in the sand at the beach.

6. Plant a flower or vegetable garden.

7. List ten "impossible" things you would like to do or try. Do one.

Things to Remember

Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. Hebrews 10:35

This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. Matthew 6:22

Two Quotes

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. helen keller

As you travel through life, whatever be your goal, keep your eye in the doughnut and not upon the hole. author unknown

have a great week!


MsJayy said...

Ah yes! Optimism - the elixir of life. I think something that trips us up about optimism is that we expect things to always be "up". That's not realistic, now is it? Besides, the real trick is to find & keep JOY in your life - joy isn't dependent upon circumstances being "up". Another great post Sis.

Peace ~ Purpose ~ Poetry

Diamond said...

Hey there Jackie,

You are so right. Things are not going to be up all of the time. You are so right. Sometimes I do feel that things are going to be so honkey dorey and they simply are not going to be. It's called inner joy.

mochasistah said...

It's the thing that keeps me going sometimes...but it's about balancing all of life but joy has to be somewhere in their for sure.

Diamond said...


You got that right. Joy is so important, but especially inner joy. No one can see it and take it away from you. Inner joy is has longevity!