Monday, May 29, 2006

De-Stressing! Suggestions for Home and on the Job...(Part 3)

Art can be relaxing also. That piece to the left is a piece from Cary Weems, african american photographer. I like looking at photographs and I can just look at pics all day long. But I realize that I have other work to do and I must make progress as a budding artist. Hoowever, to do that I must be relaxed and stress-free.

Are you ready for some more suggestions? We will focus on the home again, first then the job.

De-stressing At Home

1. Enjoy a few minutes of total solitude. Find a quiet place at home, and spend a few minutes doing nothing and thinking about nothing. (whew, is that possible?) Let your mind go blank, and listen to your heartbeat and your breathing. There is a certain peace and relaxation that comes when you take time for solitude.

2. Remove your watch. In our hectic society, everyone is constantly looking at their watch, trying to detemine where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing. Spend an afternoon or an evening with your watch off and forget about any scheduled activities.

3. Hug a baby or a small child. If there are no babies or children in your household, then visit a relative or a neighbor. Give a great big bear hug, and in a few seconds your blood pressure will drop a few points.

4. Go fly a kite.( Sometimes people would tell a person to go fly a kite in the negative sense of the word, go somewhere and do something!) When was the last time you flew a kite? There is something magical (and relaxing) that takes place when you launch a kite into the air and watch it soar effortlessly through the sky. Visit your local hobby or toy store and find a kite that you think you will enjoy. Or if you are feeling really adventurous, you can build your own kite from stratch. There are plenty of kite-making instructions on the internet, or stop by your local library and find a book on the subject.

5. Listen to the birds. Have you ever noticed that birds always appeasr to be happy? They sing no matter what is taking place in their lives. Take a few moments and observe and listen to the birds. Another option is to make or buy a recording of bird songs and begin each day to a chorus of birds.

6. Find your favorite aroma. Everyone has a favorite fragrance or two, especially ones from your childhood-the ones that bring back happy memories. perhaps it is the smell of fresh baked cookies or a cologne or perfume.

7. Browse at the library. When was the last time you visited your local library? These days you can find more than books and magazines. Cd's, DVD's, computer services, etc., are waiting for you. Or just peruse the magazine section and read about something new.

8. Have an ice cream sundae. Or a banana split or a big milk shake. Visit your local ice cream store and splurge. Try a new flavor or get an ice cream cone with two or three scoops. Ice cream has a special way of calming your nerves.

9. Go on an impromptu picnic. Grab some of your favorite foods, a tablecloth and your favorite beverages, and head outdoors for a picnic. If it's raining, hold your picnic indoors. And don't forget to invite a few friends.

10. Stop and smell the roses. literally. Visit your local florist shop or greenhouse and take a few moments to enjoy the wonderful fowers. Their colors and aroma will have a calming effect on you. (lavender roses, anyone?) ( i am still waiting)

11. Stare at the clouds. Remember when you were a child...staring at the clouds? You were looking for shapes, animals, etc.? Well, those clouds and special shapes are still there. Grab a pillow and head outdoors. Lose your stress in the clouds.

12. Start an " I am special" notebook. When you are down and out and feel as if the stress of the world is about to crush you, start writing a few lines in your notebook. Start listing things that are positive about yourself and some of the things you have accomplished.

13. Sounds of the evening. No matter where you live, the night has a special charm all its own. When was the last time you listened to the sounds of the evening? Listen carefully for frogs, crickets, owls and other sounds of the night. Sleep with the window open and concentrate on those sounds, instead of feeling stressed. (I will just have to get me some tapes with those sounds for in this get-toe at pier three..those sounds don't exist. (maybe just the birds in the early am) I may have to buy me a pet frog, or an owl. (lol)

14. Get a massage. have you ever enjoyed a massage? If not, you don't know what you are missing! A massage can help you lose the tension and stress in your body and in your mind. Look in the yellow pages and find a place that offers massages in your town. Many hair salons now offer massage services to their customers.

15. Watch an old movie. If there is nothing good on TV, go to the video store or the library and find some thing that puts a smile on your face. Put the popcorn in the microwave, dust off your favorite movie, an enjoy one of life's simple pleasures.


1. The loss of a loved one
2. A major llness or injury
3. Divorce or separation
4. Serious financial troubles
5. Losing your job
6. Getting married
7. Moving to a new apartment or house (yes, yes and yes, i know but i need and want to )
8. Having a fight or falling out with a close friend
9. The birth of a child
10. Retirement

THE BEST STRESS-BUSTING IDEA....WE MUST RECOGNIZE THAT MOST STRESS IS CREATED BY US. THE "WHAT IF FACTOR"...."WHAT IF THE BOSS DOES NOT LIKE MY PRESENTATION?" "WHAT IF IT IS CANCER?" "WHAT IF MY FATHER DIES?" (And most of the time the (what ifs do not happen.) Learn to think logically and you will nip the stress in the bud, BEFORE IT CAN ATTACK!



MsJayy said...

How ironic. This ties in with my recent post about "intentions" & a "To Be" list. I do the silence thing in the AM/PM. Agree wholeheartedly with hugging a baby/child (my Princess So Fabulous works every time even it's just a hug via phone. LOL) Being near water does wonders for me too - even if it's just sitting in my tub. Also the repetiveness of housework actually helps me relax, clear my head too. Great tips as always!

Diamond said...

Thanks for stopping by Jackie. Your words are most appreciated. Thank you for your suggestions and the things that works wonders for you. Peace, passion, and power.