Sunday, May 28, 2006

De-Stressing! Suggestions for Home and on the Job...(Part 1)

Look at the caption to your left. You are there at the Bahamas, water so blue. Let's say you are there lying on the beach, with family, friends or simply alone. There is no stress here. You are lying on a beach towel with an umbrella to protect you from the sun. You have soothing music, a nice swimsuit on and you are just having a good time for seven days, six nites. You are staying in a nice hotel, NO STRESS! Look again, the bluest sky, bluest water and that sand. Walk in it, leave your footprints!

Now, your seven days, six nites are over. Look at the photo at the top. You are in the sky, a pretty blue one; however you are getting ready to land at the Newark Airport. Oh, you can just smell the death-dealing poison in the air, the fast paced way of life, the STRESS! Ok now, the job, the home, the kids, the computer email, the dogs, the cat, the snake, you name it, it's back! S-T-R-E-S-S IN A NUTSHELL! Let's see the suggestions that are made for us in the small Smartstyles Book that I mentioned in the last post.

Beat Stress at Home

1. Laugh out Loud. (LOL) When was the last time you laughed out loud? You have probably heard the saying, "laughter is the best medicine," and it is true. Get in touch with your inner sense of humor, and watch your stress evaporate. Start by reading the comics in the daily newspaper or listening to your favorite comedian on a CD. There are thousands of Web sites that have jokes and funny stories. Visit a few today and start laughing out loud.

2. Listen to raindrops. The next time it is raining when you are at home, take a few minutes and listen to the raindrops. There is something very peaceful about rain, and listening to the raindrops will help alleviate any stress you are experiencing. Alternatively, buy a CD of sounds of a rain shower. Visit for a wide selection of CDs with sounds of nature. Next time you feel stressed, take one out and listen to it.

3. Pet your dog. Or cat, or whatever pet you happen to have at home. Medical research has proved that your blood pressure drops when you begin to pet an animal. Although your day at home might be so hectic that you wished you lived on another planet, try petting the dog and let it snuggle with you. You'll be amazed at how you will begin to feel better in just a few moments.

4. Sleep in. When was the last time you took time for yourself in the morning? There is no better way to beat stress at home than to spend a little extra time in bed. Too often people rush through life, running from one appointment to another, and the result is stress. Stop the stress now and then by taking the time to sleep in. (that rhymes, my words)lol

5. Spend a few minutes on the back porch. When you are completely stressed out at home, spend a few minutes on the back porch or deck. (at pier 3, i found me a little cage i go to, lol) (If you don't have either one, find a quiet place in the backyard) hmmm...I don't have that either, but i got my cage for concentration) Sit down and do nothing. Take a deep breath, and appreciate the fresh air and the solitude. Look up at the sky, and enjoy nature at its finest.

6. Walk barefoot on the beach. If you are fortunate enough to live near the beach, make sure you find the time to walk barefoot. Just walk and listen to the waves crashing against the shore. Feel the warm sand on your feet and toes. Your breathing will be more relaxed, and any stress you have been experiencing will soon disappear. If you live too far from the beach to take a walk, visualize yourself there. (well alright!) Or listen to sounds of rhythmic waves at the beach and visualize yourself being there. (not a problem!) When you can begin using visualization techniques, you can beat stress no matter where you live. (even at pier3, well I'll be!)

7. Take a long bath. There is something very special about a long, hot bath. When was the last time you had a bubble bath? When your body sinks into the tub filled with bubbles, the cares and worrries of the world begin to slip away. It can do wonders for your tired and aching body and helps make the stress disappear. (and if you have room for candles, that would be nice, my suggestion)

8. Listen to your favorite music. It does not matter if you are into classical, hip hop, easy listening, rock n' roll or country. Something magical happens when you listen to your favorite music. Music has the ability to take your mind off your problems.

9. Give to others. Winston Churchill said "We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." (all quote-a-holics in the house, say hey!) What have you given to others lately? If you are feeling stressed, there's nothing like putting others first to make that stress go away. Pay a compliment to a friend, hug your spouse or child. Or just listen when someone has a problem they need help with.

10. Stop planning and do something on an impulse. Are you one of those people who always has to plan out their schedule and budget their time? Every now and then it is good to do something on an impulse. Run out and enjoy an ice cream cone or go to the movies and see a bargain matinee. Some of your best times can be had when you do things "on an impulse." The excitement of doing something different can drive the stress right out of your life.

end of part one

next ten more de-stressors at home; first ten de-stressors on the job


mochasistah said...

I love them all, but #2, 6 and 7 are really really my favorites. I love to keep my window open when it rains, and real early in the morning I like to go to the beach and walk on it, write in my journal and put my feet in the water. It's sooo de-stressing. These are excellent tips. Thanks for sharing and happy BIRTHDAY~

Diamond said...

Thank you dear sistah mocha...taking it easy..trying to find me a beach with some water but right now i guess it is the tub,,,i may take the train to St. Louis. lol i wish.... anyway may take the train to Newark..I want to be in air conditioning all day away from the hood in all seriousness. Downtown is open and the hair shop. I want a train ride and i wish it was Georgia but i need my foot swelling to go down a little and pay my rent etc before i go..and make a little extra change...

MsJayy said...

I swear by all of these tips. I love spending time by the water. Planning a trip in the near future. And when I can't get to a beach/lake/ocean, a nice bubblebath works just as well. Laughing out loud is a given for me. All of these things help us bring our best selves to whatever it is we do, whatever relationships we are involved in * hopefully enables others to bring their best selves also. Stay blesesd!

Diamond said...

There is nothing like that bubble bath and that water. it is therapee!