Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Ok, I will try again on this blog site. It may not be the exact words, but the thought will be the same. Each time there was a good message and it was hard work. So please read this carefully knowing that this is the message that I have trying to get to you since last week and lost each each and everytime.

I had mentioned that the pictures that you see on www.diamondwright.blog.com were there because of my love for art. The reason that you see the photos of myself is because I was unsure of the photos since they were labeled by number. I needed more room for two more photos and so I used myself. I mentioned on the prior posts that I was not conceited, just convinced! It's not that I like looking at myself and want all of you to look at me all the time. In fact, whenever a person meets me for the first time what they will find is a shy, quiet and reserved individual who is really not too comfortable around a lot of folx. Especially if I spot some hypocrisy in a person, I will not have too much to say. I tend to let others talk and I may simply smile or blush. Others will detect that right away and will accept me as I am. I am just me, the Queenwriter.

All of us are artists in various ways. Some of us are literary artists; some are visual artists. Literary artists enjoy the written word for they use their pens as their swords to write poetry, books and even plays. On the other hand, the visual artist uses their hands to express their creativity to draw, sculpture, paint, do printmaking and ceramics and even photography. Some of us are in the category of both the literary and the visual artist. We are engaged in the artistic world of both the literary and the visual arena. Regardless of what area we may be engaged in, we are simply artists! Tell yourself that sometimes. Shout it out, that you are a poet, writer, painter, printmaker or photographer! Go ahead, don't be afraid! You are not conceited, you are just simply convinced! For there is always room for improvement. Oops, I left out music, how can I forget when my dear friend and sistah made it possible for Misinterpretations on the American Idol Underground.Song #111. Yes, it's called Musicality! Music is a form of art. Now dear Mocha Sistah where did I learn that word from? You are convinced!

Sometimes a person may become so dependent on their position in the corporate world and may feel really secure in it. However, one may go in to work one fine day or week and given the pink slip or the ax and told that they no longer have their position or are laid off. Being a creative artist allows you the flexibility to be your own boss. You don't have to worry about a layoff. You just have create a job or position. You are an artist in your heart, soul and mind. How can someone lay that off? You can't. Even if you don't have a position at the time, you still have a title for yourself. It does not rest on another person using tactics, manipulating to see who goes and who stays, creating a whole lot of havoc. Pick and choose so to speak causing ill will among employees. Using the bumping system. Shoot! Who needs it! There is nothing wrong with working a nine-to-five for one must take care of their needs and bills. However what is being said here is that if and when it ever happens, do not fall apart because you are going to make it as long as you are a creative artist. Being marketable is the key to success in this game of life.

Recently our dear friend and sistah Shai was laid off from her job. She needed encouragement and comfort shortly thereafter. Of course it stunned her and she was quite shocked. However, Shai will make it because she has skills that will enable her to do something else like writing more poetry, a book, may look for more work, enter more contests, she may even decide to work from home. She has a lot of options that she probably has not even thought about. She is a college graduate. God has her back and He has ours. Right? Right!

I have decided to take more art classes because I really enjoy them. I am so glad that I did not back out of Basic Drawing even though I wanted to. My professor encouraged me to stick with it, not to compare my work with the other students. I love being a "visual artist." As a matter of fact, I still enjoy my poetry, it is just that school takes a lot of time. It can be compared to a full-time job. Somehow drawing is more therapeutic than writing is at this time. The reason being is that drawing is more expressive for me and requires more concentration. I can just imagine what painting will be like. It is so expressive, yes I can see my using the paint-brushing strokes across a blank white page. Let the emotions flow, let them flow! Anything to get my mind off of Pier 3 for a moment. For a small moment! Writing and poetry are still in my blood now. I'm not leaving you all as far as the poetry! Just that I am applying to some art schools in Atlanta as well as Clark-Atlanta, Agnes Scott and Spelman College again for September. I am going to be in somebody's school somewhere on the planet called USA. If not, I am going to the moon!

Look at this experience and tell me if there is a God. On Sunday I was in Pennsylvania at a christian conference. There were a lot of persons there, some I knew and some I did not know. Vera, someone that I had not seen in years approached me. We started talking and a name came up in the conversation. Terri Williams. Wow! Why did that name come up? It was God. Read on. Terri was my maid of honor twenty-four years ago. I wondered where she was living now and guess what folx? You guessed right! ATLANTA! ATLANTA! ATLANTA! There goes that word again popping right up in front of me. Vera was calling Terri that night and said that she was going to give her my telephone number. She promised to. I mentioned to Vera that Atlanta is where I had been trying to get to since 2002. Terri, her husband and her mother lives in Atlanta. You heard me right! Terri is from Trenton and we were so close when she was single. I have not seen her since 1990. I got married in 1982. Anyway, Terri called me yesterday and we talked. She shouted from the rooftops: SHARON, COME ON DOWN! SHARON, I HAVE A GUESTROOM! SHARON, MOVE DOWN HERE, FOR YOU CAN GET A NICE ONE BEDROOM GARDEN APARTMENT FOR 300. little does she know that i need a 2 bedroom apt, for i have an office in my kitchen now and i may adopt that baby boy one fine day. SHARON, PLEASE COME! SHARON, JUST SOME ON DOWN! You know I know she means it and if anybody knows about moving, it is Terri. She moved all the time when she was in Trenton here. She promises to show me some apartments when I come down. Now can I ask for more? She lives near Spelman College.(fifteen minutes, in Morrow) The excitement in her voice! She is having a hernia operation on May 15th so she wanted me to come either before or sometime after. My only options are to go there on the 11th for 4 days or wait until the Memorial Day weekend in which I turn forty-eight years old on the 29th. I can go on the 26th-29th or 30th. Summer school starts on the 22nd and I need the math class in order to get my degree in June. That was my purpose of taking the summer school class. The class is by internet and it goes by fast. Well, just as God directed my meeting Vera in among a large crowd of persons, He will direct me when it is time for me to go to Atlanta. I had been worrying about where I was going to stay, with who, money to do so, etc. By staying with Terri and her husband in the guestroom, I know that I will feel secure. I will be taking the train by choice. I love riding on the train. I can meditate, contemplate on many things and feel SIMPLY ARTISTIC! What about you? How do you feel about now???????

with love,
a beautiful red rose

ps: i pray that this goes through; this is what I have been typing at least 6-7 times and lost it every time. Please value this; I worked hard and I hope you enjoyed it.....whew!!!!!!!!!!
this was typed with love for you all believe me!!!!

is going to replace the other one.
it really let me down, the other one
i don't know what ails it. lol


mochasistah said...

Conceited, no you are Convinced and so am I. It's amazing what you can do when you have a leap of faith. I'm pretty convinced God didn't have you bump into Vera who lead you to a very good friend Terri who just happens to live in Georgia. Come on now, that's divine intervention. Like I said before I am amazed by you and your creativity and yours strenght as a strong black woman. When you MOVE to ATL, girl, let me know after you settle in I'll be there to say hi and help you settle in the place. God is good all the time but you know that. Now to my speech about being Artistic. If you would have told me that months ago I would be laid off, would survive a laid off and be successful using my God-given talents, I would have laughed in your face. But God is no joke and he's the driver on this one. At this point, I'm working hard, yes, I am. But I am making it. Chicago is not an inexpensive place to live but I"m doing okay and I see the light streaming through. It's all good. So I encourage my sister to keep a keeping and you'll be fine. You will be soon packing and chilling in the Georgia Sunshine~

Diamond said...


You are brilliant! You are special and all things are powerful and from God!

MsJayy said...

Lady you are too funny & just bubbling over with energy & excitement. LOL That is a very good thing. You are so right - when we follow the path that God has laid out for us, when we use our gifts to inspire, to empower noone can lay us off. The possibility of layoffs is swirling around in my company too but I am focused on doing my job until God tells me it's time to go. If that comes via a pink slip, then so be it. He has ordered my steps & what God as for me, it is for me! No one but me can deny me my inheritance. I took an art class in 9th grade. My mother says she thought I traced my pictures. Ha! I don't know how. We had to use that heavy paper - you couldn't see through it to trace anything. LOL Good luck with ATL - even if it's just a visit, it will do your spirit some good to leave the pier for a few days. Take care!

Diamond said...

Hi Jackie,
Tracing through heavy paper? Never may that happen! You are an artist in more ways than one, see there! Yes, the excitement of going to the georgia peach state is still here in my blood...going nowhere until i get there....yes that is a natural born fact...i know i can be a little nutty, can't I?