Saturday, May 20, 2006

Quotes-by The Famous! Updates on Red Rose, Crimson Beauty

introducing persons you and i both know......

1. the first sparrow of spring! the year beginning with younger hope than ever! henry david thoreau (1817-1862)

2. walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. there is a way out of evey dark mist, over a rainbow trail. navajo song

3. i have accepted fear as part of life-specifically the fear of change...i have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says turn back. Erica Jong b.1942

4. hold your head high, stick your chest out. you can make it. it gets dark sometimes but morning comes.....keep hope alive. Jesse Jackson b. 1948

5. the man with courage is a majority. Andrew Jackson (1767-1845)

6. shrug off the restraints that you have allowed others to place upon you. you are limitless. there is nothing you cannot achieve. there is no sadness in life that cannot be reversed....Clearwater

7. we have enough people who tell it like it is-now we could use a few who tell it like it can be. Robert Orben

8. i compared notes with one of my friends who expects everything of the universe, and is disappointed when anything is less than the best, and i found that i begin at the other extreme, expecting nothing, and am always full of thanks for moderate goods. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

9. from success you get lot of things, but not that great inside thing that love brings you. Sam Goldwyn (1882-1974)

10. it is in the shelter of each other that the people live. An irish proverb

Red Rose, Crimson Beauty

the red rose is a thing of beauty when found among thorns; when found not among thorns. the past few months, even weeks have been thorn-like yes, but that is alright for the red rose stands despite the thorns that life brings upon it. the semester is over and the red rose finished the semester with a 3.7 gpa which was quite a surprise to her. the thorns that surrounded her during the semester still remains and how lovely it is to be standing at this time with her mind and heart in the right place. Oh, but the thorns shall not get in the way of her poetic efforts which are taking place at this time.

yes the atlanta journey is still on; just pushed back by a week or two. only able to stay for about four days and still by train....that is not going to change. my friend had her hernia surgery and she will be able to accomodate me still. also the poetry will be mailed on may 29 which is the day in which i will be 48 years of age and that is a gift to myself. if that is memorial day, the poetry will be mailed the following day. at least the poetry will be ready. i will be ready to visit June 6-10th. my thorns have cost a postponement again. that's ok, for the red rose will just get up and move again with a sense of inner strength and determination.

*****goals-send one hundred poems to Neshee Publication or before may 29, 2006
****look into other options such as self-publishing...continue to browse books at library, even checking them out. this goal of having this book RED ROSE, CRIMSON BEAUTY, PETALS OF PASSION, PETALS OF PEACE, is long overdue, but so is a lot of things in life, right? as long as the goal is being worked on the best of my ability and with the help of the one who created me, all is well and good.

goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals, goals.
are reachable, are reachable, are reachable, are reachable!

the red rose


mochasistah said...

Yes, in deed. I like all the quotes especially #4. Holding that head up despit things. As far as your birthday, lady I did not know you have one coming up. Early Blessings on that. I am wishing you safe travels to ATL I know you are going to have a great time over there. Can you please soak enough of that air for me please? Be good to yourself lady and yes, you will make your goals.

Diamond said...

Yes..May 29th just creeped up. i just feel blessed to be alive. i don't really make a big-to-do on that day. just a quiet day of reflection and just blessed. I play music, eat good foods that day, drink a lot of water, read the bible more...meditate more deeply.thinks i do anyway..just more deeply. i go to a chinese restaurant for a lunch for the special. and of course, i write poetry only this time..i will have poetry ready to be mailed in the am!

MsJayy said...

I didn't realize that you were a 'quote-a-holic' too. That and affirmations. Always good to have some positive words & vibes around us cause life can throw a curveball at you in an instant & we must have something to anchor ourselves. Glad to know you're making strides on your goals. I'll see you at the finish line where you can personally autograph it for me. LOL Keep pressing on Sis!!