Sunday, May 28, 2006

De-Stressing! Suggestions for Home and on the Job...(Part 2)

That's Grandma Osbey in that photo. She is a bird-catcher. If I can just control my stress, maybe I can live to be her age and beyond. What do you think? Do we have a fighting chance? She has lived a good long life and will probably live many more years to come.

Here are some suggestions for de-stressing on the job.

1. Get a good night's sleep. How much sleep did you get last night? Most people do not get enough sleep, and that can cause you to begin your workday already feeling stressed. Stop falling asleep on the sofa and go to bed. Set a goal of trying to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Give your body a chance to relax and you will wake up refreshed and ready to begin your day.

2. Eat your breakfast. Before you shout, "Breakfast, who has time for breakfast?" remember that we all have the same amount of time: 24 hours a day. Set your alarm clock 20 minutes earlier and eat something nutritious before you head out to work. Even if you have only a piece of toast, a glass of orange juice and some fruit, at least you are getting something nourishing into your body.

3. Get some exercise. If you can rearrange your schedule to make time for breakfast, you can do the same to include excercise. Excercise can do wonders to relieve the stress in your body and in your mind. Take a few moments and do several jumping jacks and arm and leg stretches. Walk or jog in place and before you know it, you will begin to feel better.

4. Get the right attitude. Do you know that your attitude is your most prized possession? It is something that you and only you can control. No one can take it away from you, so it is important to begin each day with the right attitude. By having a positive attitude, you set your tone for your whole day.

5. Stop worrying. When you find yourself worrying too much, stress will find a way in. Sometimes it helps to simply make a list of what is worrying you and then look for creative solutions for each problem. While no one can live completely worry-free, you can reduce the amount of time you spend worrying.

6. Avoid stressful commutes. For example, try using a road that has less traffic, and you won't get caught up in everyone else's road rage problems. If someone wants to pass you, let them. Take a few seconds when the light changes before proceeding. And make sure you allow plenty of time before you travel to your job. You can cause your own stress attack by leaving late and then worrying about how you can get to your job on time.

7. Set goals for yourself. Know what you need to accomplish each day on your job. If you have a very stressful job, make a list of the things you need to work on, and concentrate on them one at a time. When you become organized and have goals in your work life, stress can be kept at bay.

8. Slow down. While this may be easier said than done, research shows that people who slow down actually accomplish more than people who are rushing around. Concentrate on the tasks at hand and focus on what it is you are trying to accomplish. When you slow down, your concentration increases and you work smarter, not harder.

9. Improve your time managment skills. Everyone has 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When you choose to spend your time wisely, you feel good about yourself and everything you have accomplished. Read a book on time management, attend a workshop or simply sit down and brainstorm ways you can improve your use of time.

10. Find your "happy zone" at work. Everyone wants to be happy, but for some reason, the work world tends to rob us of our happiness. But you can be happy at work and when you are, stress has a way of rolling off you like raindrops. Sit down and brainstom creative ways you can be happy at your job.

(to be continued)


mochasistah said...

This again, reminds me to slow down. This weekend was the first time I said, no. I stayed home, didn't go out, wanted to relax as much as possible and de-stress. Lately it has been very hard to slow down but this is a constant reminder that I need to recharge my batteries with simple tips that you share here. Thanks again for being a resource for us all. be blessed.

Diamond said...

We are need those reminders. If i find myself that way, i have to make myself lay down, de-stress, recharge just STOP! Thanks for your comments.

MsJayy said...

I said no to EVERYBODY this weekend...except to myself & had the best weekend! While I always carve out time for myself, I'm not always fully engaged in the pampering routines that I like so this time I shut the world out & really & truly concentrated on ME. Felt good & put me in a better place & frame of mind for doing whatever else I need to do this week. Keep sharing Sis. We hear you!

Diamond said...


Good for was needed. i knew you had to do something for you, something told me that you were doing just that. I am glad!