Friday, April 07, 2006

Despite, The Red Rose Still Stands!

This Red Rose Is Still Standing

Despite what you may throw at her, the red rose still remains strong and is standing still. Okay, a thorn or two may be on the stem but that is okay for she can handle a little pinch of salt here or there because the beauty of the rose far outweighs any pinching that temporarily may be felt here or there.

Sometimes there are circumstances in or around us that we can do nothing about to change. Regardless of whether it is a neighbor who should have been long gone off the premises and you know that, or if it is family members who are critical of your uniqueness and don't quite understand you, or it could simply be envious or jealous persons who seek to take away the sunshine or the brilliance that you have within your soul. No matter what the situation is, may they never gain the entrance into the gateway of your beauty. No, it is yours for the keeping. Let them stay into their own mess. You don't need or want it. Let us see some of the positive or beautiful things that we can do rather than to get upset about something that we cannot change in or around our circumference. Our inner circle or cycle. Let us learn to observe our own reactions to things. Let us balance who or what gets our joy and power. Let us renew ourselves.

1. Go for a walk.
2. Listen to some music.
3. Enjoy your favorite music.
4. Turn off your phone.
5. Write in your journal.
6. Enjoy your own solitude.
7. Take a nap.
8. Pray.
9. Call a true friend.
10. Read a good book.
11. Change your scenery.
12. Go for a train ride.
13. Spend time on your dreams and goals.
14. Enjoy your craft.
15. Draw.
16. Write
17. Meditate
18. Watch a good movie.
19. Tune 'the negative' out.
20. Renew yourself.

Enjoy moments of solitude and reflection. Reflect on who and what you are as a human being. Appreciate yourself. Don't compare yourself with anyone on the face of this earth. Control at least the time that you do have to yourself.

Getting calm allows you to get a fresh perspective and helps you to cope better physically and emotionally with your troubles. Do not give your power over to other people. Learn to see a stronger sense of self and enjoy your purpose. Boost your self-esteem and self-worth.

The next time when that neighbor, family member or that jealous person seeks to take over your thinking, let it go, do something positive for yourself and keep standing firm and tall like a BEAUTIFUL RED ROSE. The beautiful red rose despite the prick-like thorns always wins!


I am still piecing together the 100 poems to send to the publisher. It would have been done now if I were not in school full-time and if I had some assistance. I have to do a few each time and they are being sent on a diskette. I am wondering would it have been faster if I have sent them by the postal service. I am still considering going that route. I don't want my spirit to dampen because of the amount of time that is passing by. Sometimes it is already bad enough that folks don't want to see you prosper so you don't want to add to their good wishes to see yourself fail. That is what I am talking about when I mean a positive spirit. You must learn to simply focus. Focus on what you want, not so much on what someone else wants or does not want for you. It is not all about someone else, this is about me and what i want for myself. That is to self-publish or have my first poetry book published. So now, my goal is for April 15th to have these poems ready to be sent. Oh no, IRS time... not in line at the post office with the tax filers, and the last minute ones. Like the IRS deadline for persons to have their taxes filed by. There you go. Post marked by April 21st. I have two weeks, for I need a quote before I go running off buying a car without finding out how much it is going to cost me for the publishing. Y'all know how import this is to me, right? Pray for and with me!
Diamond ( a rose is not of beauty without its thorns)Jackie taught me that one for I thought that a rose was only beautiful without its thorns.

Available Books

"Tears of a Woman," The Light Within, by Mocha Sistah is now available at $10.00


mochasistah said...

Whoa, this is so beautiful and simply stated. I will be sharing this blog with others who need inspirat ions. I can't wait to see your book in printed. If you need help I will see where I can assist. As the red rose, you must continue to stand and shine anyhow! Be blessed and continue to shine your light. ~ Mocha

Diamond said...

Hey Mocha, Mocha and Mocha,

What is going on? Hope you had a relaxing day today. I am a motivational person...that is my mission..whether it is the prayers, words, i can speak volumes of positivity and light. Despite the slamming doors, trash-like environment, a soul cannot take away my heart and motivation!

Diamond said...
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MsJayy said...

Never let another dim or still your shine. Be you through & through. We have to learn to block out all the noise & the nonsense & stayed focused on doing what we need to do. I'm glad you're being realistic with the amount of time you need to get your poems to the publisher. If you need help, reach out. You know I'll do what I can. Keep your head up!

Diamond said...

Thank you Jackie my dear for checking in with the red rose. she will always stand. Prick the stems all you want, but it does not even matter, red rose ya beauty!