Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Beautiful World We Do Live In- A Reminder!

The Beauty of the World

Depression feels terrible. How else can I put it? It is the world's largest misery, to put it mildly. If I had one wish in my life it would be to eradicate depression from the earth. Our planet is a beautiful place. Sure it has problems, but it gives us life with infinite possibilities for change. One day you can look up and meet someone's eyes and the next thing you know you are in love! That's magic! However, depression does not let us look up, does it? The beauty of the world is blind to us because we are so busy looking down in the gutters. We are looking down. We feel down. We act down. We walk as if we are carrying two hundred pounds of mud on our backs and we literally focus our eyes on all of the down things of the world. The garbage, the pain, the dirt. Why not let ourselves look up? Look up at the wonderful sky, the beauty of the trees, the animals, the people, the buildings, the world in general. What about the smell of rain, the sound of waves, the bees buzzing. Today, did you notice the beauty of the world or did you look down at the garbage? Are you looking up and feeling better or are you letting depression suck every ounce of life blood out of your body? Are you going to give in or fight? Are you going to stand up now and LOOK UP? Are you going to go outside, hold your head up high, put your shoulders back and walk as though you know the world is a beautiful place, that you have the RIGHT to be healthy so that you can see how beautiful life can be? I am going to do it! And I am going to do it every time that feeling comes to tell me otherwise. How about you? Let's go!

The Challenge I Face

It is hard to meet deadlines and fill the needs of others when you have problems with anxiety. It is as though the worries of the world are on your shoulders whereas in reality you just have to do the things that other people do in life with ease.

I am in school studying Art/Psychology. I am trying to finish the manuscript for my first poetic book. It feels like too much. For others it would be nothing. I do not work a full-time job. I do not have kids. I don't HAVE to do anything. I want a real life, able to do things that others do. I feel the stress in my lungs pushing out all my air. I feel my mind saying-"You can't do it, Diamond." "You can't do it." I feel a pressure in my body to be like other people. I want to tell myself that it is just a drawing/african american art/microbiology/journalism class. It is only one hundred poems that they want me to send. It is only a matter of time before I vacate pier three. Come on, Diamond, you have a two page response paper that is due next week. You are so weak and tired. You have little energy. You are behind in all classes. The neighbors wont let you concentrate. That little voice is telling me all kinds of negatives and discouraging remarks that I don't want to hear. I don't allow the bipolar brain to talk to me like that anymore. Notice the following steps that I take to help myself:

1. I do some deep breathing-breathing that reminds me that i do have enough air and I will always have enough air.

2. I say STOP to the thoughts that tell me I can't continue and I start to think rationally.

3. I remind myself that I have bipolar disorder and that this is a symptom of this medical illness. I can get through it just as I have always gotten through it.

4. I take a minute to look at my options in a rational way. I don't have to be perfect in art class or the other classes, just do my best. I don't have to overdo things with getting the poetry together and sent. I can keep things simple, I do know how.

5. I can tell someone that I am overwhelmed and ask for their advice ot help-maybe they can type something for me or help me arrange my papers, like my therapist.

6. I can remember that my worrying most of the time is often worse than doing the project.

7. I can remind myself that this kind of self-care is not stupid or silly. It is essential if I want to live in the real world and complete projects.

8. And to remind myself that I am not a performing dog-I do not have to go into class and be perfect and I don't have to do anthing that is not required of me.

My feelings of depression are usually after a bad thought or feeling of just being tired over a long period of time-chronic. The fact that the thyroid condition has been so low for so long is not helping my chemically imbalanced brain at all. Soon, I will be given a medication and I will feel better as far as that is concerned. Then I have the colonoscopy that is shortly to be done, May 5th to be exact. So, I am taking care of my medical needs and situations in addition to the mental health needs. And, just like all of you know, my living conditions have beome almost unbearable for me to endure for too much longer. I will be going on that much needed trip to Atlanta on May 18th. I would prefer train over plane. I could use the relaxing ride through the other states, looking out the windows and enjoying the moment. I know that if I am placed in a whole new set of circumstances other than present, my health, energy level and other factors would change dramatically. By the 18th I will be finished with my classes, and finishing up an Incomplete grade. I will be able to take my "Tears of a Woman" the Light Within, which I will pick up tomorrow at the post office. It is waiting for me. So, despite the mood disorder which seeks to get me down at this time, I shall fight it. The red rose can conquer this one too as long as she treats the illness first. This involves therapy, keeping appointments, medication compliance, needed sleep and rest and healthy diet. In addition to, keeping up-to-date with the websites, emails and updated literature to help me to cope with it for it is a life-time challenge that I am facing. But the diabetic also has to face everyday for insulin. Different illness, that is all. And on that note, I must say "Goodnite." Each day is sufficient for its own anxieties. (Matthew 6:34) and weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. I always look forward to the sun shining brightly through the window in the morning. It meant that "I survived" and God allowed!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Petals of Passion, Petals of Peace

Hello everyone and I do hope that this proves to be a great week for all of you. As for me, it is going to be a busy week. There are so many exams and papers that need to be done this week, so I don't have time for any extra stuff. I will start getting my poetry together at the rate of ten per day, which will make for one hundred by the end of the month. So, if anything needs to be organized this week, it is my LIFE! It seems that I need to extend the poetry for another week because if they want one hundred poems, then that means ten days at ten poems typed per day. I need to give myself to the 29th of the month for that. The reason is because the red rose remains to be a student full-time and it simply takes time for all that I must do.

Passion and Peace are needed today. We have to have a passion for something in order to enjoy it. A passion for writing. Art. The spoken word. The piano. Swimming. Whatever your passion is, enjoy it. The rose has four petals. Passion, peace, power and purpose. All four are vital in our lives today. We need power to refuel our tanks so that we may continue on. We most certainly don't need anyone to take our power away from us. Peace is important to the red rose. Peace and quiet. No aggravation. Peace like a river, flowing ever so smoothly. Peace like one can experience when all else fails and God takes over. Peace like I want when it is time for me to close my eyes for the night and not have to hear her nonsense or her dog barking at midnight. I want peace at all times. Purpose...does your life have purpose, meaning? If not, you will not really see a reason to go on. you may merely just exist and breathe. When you get up each day, think of a purpose. Why are you here? Where are you going in life? What are your goals? Keep a sense of passion, purpose, power and purpose in your life and you will be strengthened to fight the prickly thorns!

1. microbiology-2 papers and an exam test 3(this week)

2. do a presentation on Monet or Picasso Saturday morning (art drawings)

3. art examination on wednesday evening at 5pm (select artist for reaction paper, due the 26th)

4. Journalism-do my own thing on line(quizzes and assignments)

as long as the red rose does not think on all of these at one time, she will be just fine.

telling the prickly stem that she can handle it, just one thing at a time!


Green Stem Has Pricks, But It's Going To Be Just Fine!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Despite, The Red Rose Still Stands!

This Red Rose Is Still Standing

Despite what you may throw at her, the red rose still remains strong and is standing still. Okay, a thorn or two may be on the stem but that is okay for she can handle a little pinch of salt here or there because the beauty of the rose far outweighs any pinching that temporarily may be felt here or there.

Sometimes there are circumstances in or around us that we can do nothing about to change. Regardless of whether it is a neighbor who should have been long gone off the premises and you know that, or if it is family members who are critical of your uniqueness and don't quite understand you, or it could simply be envious or jealous persons who seek to take away the sunshine or the brilliance that you have within your soul. No matter what the situation is, may they never gain the entrance into the gateway of your beauty. No, it is yours for the keeping. Let them stay into their own mess. You don't need or want it. Let us see some of the positive or beautiful things that we can do rather than to get upset about something that we cannot change in or around our circumference. Our inner circle or cycle. Let us learn to observe our own reactions to things. Let us balance who or what gets our joy and power. Let us renew ourselves.

1. Go for a walk.
2. Listen to some music.
3. Enjoy your favorite music.
4. Turn off your phone.
5. Write in your journal.
6. Enjoy your own solitude.
7. Take a nap.
8. Pray.
9. Call a true friend.
10. Read a good book.
11. Change your scenery.
12. Go for a train ride.
13. Spend time on your dreams and goals.
14. Enjoy your craft.
15. Draw.
16. Write
17. Meditate
18. Watch a good movie.
19. Tune 'the negative' out.
20. Renew yourself.

Enjoy moments of solitude and reflection. Reflect on who and what you are as a human being. Appreciate yourself. Don't compare yourself with anyone on the face of this earth. Control at least the time that you do have to yourself.

Getting calm allows you to get a fresh perspective and helps you to cope better physically and emotionally with your troubles. Do not give your power over to other people. Learn to see a stronger sense of self and enjoy your purpose. Boost your self-esteem and self-worth.

The next time when that neighbor, family member or that jealous person seeks to take over your thinking, let it go, do something positive for yourself and keep standing firm and tall like a BEAUTIFUL RED ROSE. The beautiful red rose despite the prick-like thorns always wins!


I am still piecing together the 100 poems to send to the publisher. It would have been done now if I were not in school full-time and if I had some assistance. I have to do a few each time and they are being sent on a diskette. I am wondering would it have been faster if I have sent them by the postal service. I am still considering going that route. I don't want my spirit to dampen because of the amount of time that is passing by. Sometimes it is already bad enough that folks don't want to see you prosper so you don't want to add to their good wishes to see yourself fail. That is what I am talking about when I mean a positive spirit. You must learn to simply focus. Focus on what you want, not so much on what someone else wants or does not want for you. It is not all about someone else, this is about me and what i want for myself. That is to self-publish or have my first poetry book published. So now, my goal is for April 15th to have these poems ready to be sent. Oh no, IRS time... not in line at the post office with the tax filers, and the last minute ones. Like the IRS deadline for persons to have their taxes filed by. There you go. Post marked by April 21st. I have two weeks, for I need a quote before I go running off buying a car without finding out how much it is going to cost me for the publishing. Y'all know how import this is to me, right? Pray for and with me!
Diamond ( a rose is not of beauty without its thorns)Jackie taught me that one for I thought that a rose was only beautiful without its thorns.

Available Books

"Tears of a Woman," The Light Within, by Mocha Sistah is now available at $10.00