Thursday, March 30, 2006

Through Rose-Colored Glasses

I just a few minutes ago created a post under this blog about the rose, the definition of the rose and rose-colored glasses. It said that it it was successfully done, yet I do not see it. I don't have time to retype it right now. I have some other obligations at this time. I am trying very hard not to let the prickly stems pinch me. I am just going to look at the rose. I may update again tomorrow. I am hoping that is shows up.

Diamond (good day everyone)

watch out for the prickly stems on the rose....

Through Rose Colored Glasses

I looked up the meaning for "rose" just like I did in 2004 and it basically gives the same definition. I looked up the meaning in the Websters II New Riverside editon and here it is: a shrub or vine of the genus "rosa" having prickly stems and variously colored; usually flowers. A deep pink, a rosette.

Roget's II The New Thesaurus gives the similiar word choices for rose-colored and they are: Expecting a favorable outcome, or dwelling on hopeful aspects, rosy, sanguine, looking on the bright side, looking through rose-colored glasses.

When we examine the above word choices, all is positive and bright. There is no negativity on the scene. This is the way that we should be in life. Always look on the bright side of things.

That is what kept me alive back then because I looked on the "bright side" of matters and that kept me hopeful knowing that I would see a brighter day. And that I did. Regardless of the amount of trials and circumstances that I had undergone, there was a rose-colored glass in view and that I did see. It did not matter about the prickly stems, I overcame them one step at a time. Friends, you may feel prickly stems sticking you all over the place but you can act as if you do not feel them. Feel the rose. It is a beautiful thing to see and feel. It is from God.

A future book that I am going to be writing after the poetry is: "Through Rose-Colored Glasses." It features Diamond, who after being married for twenty years, finds herself suddenly homeless with nothing but the clothes on her back. Through homelessness, living in rooms, motels, train stations, living at Pier 3, she rises to the occasion. As a poet/writer, she works her way through school, becomes a psychologist, adopts a baby boy and moves to Paris. I titled it "Through Rose Colored Glasses" because that is how Diamond saw everything throughout her marriage which led to her harm. However, afterwards the rose-colored glass syndrome was used in a positive way.

Do any of you find that you look at things through rose-colored glasses or maybe you did in the past? Did it benefit or help you? You don't have to answer if you are not comfortable in sharing this, it may be too personal and I do hereby apologize. Just enjoy the reading.

A rose is a thing of beauty. Cherish it. It is even on the Salada tea bag!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Red Rose, Crimson Beauty

A rose is a beautiful thing. Do you ever stop to look at a rose, I mean really stop to really examine it? One in which there are no thorns? Well, one fine day in August 2004, I took a picture of a rose with me in my book gear with me. I was going to the public library to possibly write something for the day. It was a day that I was going through some poetic challenges. Car went on me, no pennies to wrap, school was taxing, all I had to eat was oodles of noodles and fifty cent tea in a bottle. It seemed like all hope was lost. As tears streamed down my face, I did not see how this month could just go on and let me survive in it. There seemed to be no escape. Everything was gone, and I felt like I had no survivors. What ever happened to the blood that was thicker than water? School was to start in less than a month and I was still working on last semester's class in which I had to make up. So as you can see, I really had a time there sitting in that library not wanting anyone to see what was happening to me. Well, I thought about what I did have in life, the blessings one hundred fold, how I survived some many atrocities and that I can make it through this obstacle that did not seem to go away. Tears were wiped away, I typed two poems and away I went. That rose literally saved my life. The four petals of peace, passion, purpose and power. There is nothing like that rose to me. The rose is a beautiful thing. I read about crimson and that is how I came up with the title for my poetry book. I am going to be working on that as best as I can. It is going to be reviewed shortly. I am going to be using the rose as a symbol of special quality, uniqueness, and cherished. When I see a rose today, I truly appreciate it, for I will always realize the true impact that it had on my life. What does the rose mean to you? Do you find it strikingly beautiful? Diamond 3/22/06

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

A Red Rose

A Red Rose is a thing of beauty when found in the eyes of the beholder.